This road to freedom from bingeing, overeating or compulsive eating can feel sooo tricky to navigate.

It’s easy to lose hope…

when you’ve done everything “right”
when you’ve used all the tools you’ve been taught
when you’ve allowed yourself to have pleasurable foods
when you’ve added pleasure into your life
and have really given up the diet mentality.

It’s easy to get angry

when it’s just not working
when it seems like you’re treading water
when all you think about is food
even though it should all be behind you.

It’s easy to be oh so triggered

when the bingest still happen almost daily
when the weight keeps on creeping up
when all the strategies don’t seem to work for you.

It’s easy to want to throw in the towel

when the pain just seems to get worse
when it’s all SO MUCH harder than it ever was on a diet
when the obstacles seem to be bigger than your strength
and when nothing moves in the direction you want it to move.

Why do I still have this insatiable hunger,
you ask.

Why do I still want MORE and MORE and MORE pleasure,
you ask.

When I’m giving myself pleasure ALL the time.

Why does this not work for me,
you cry.

Why me
why me
why ME?

It’s so easy to feel like this is your lot in life.
It’s so easy to tell yourself that this will never change.
It’s so easy to get into this dark, dark space of anger and sadness.

when it’s not going the way you hoped/thought it was supposed to go.

You then have a choice to make:

you can walk away, go back on a diet
you can run from yourself, focus on better things
you can stick with it,
feel the anger pouring through your veins,
feel the sadness come over your mind,
feel the frustration pulsating in your body.

You have a choice.
And that’s where the real work begins.

Do you continue to feel like you are different,
the one that can’t escape your painful relationship with food?

Do you continue to claim that it’s not working for you,
that you’re the so broken that you can’t heal?

Do you continue to hold onto the story in your head,
that you have to watch out forever and ever because you are just not ever going to know another reality?

Do you lose hope?

Or are you going to sing a fight song?
Are you going to dance with fire?
Are you going to help yourself?

Are you going to stand up for yourself,
challenge ALL of your old stories,
your favorite limiting beliefs,
and do whatever needs to get done to BREAK FREE.

You know,
sometimes it’s not about what is visible.

Sometimes you need to go WAY deeper,
to what you can’t see,
to what you may have never seen,
to what you believe is not even there.

Sometimes you have to dig into the invisible
in order to truly impact your current reality.

Sometimes the strategies that are presented to you
aren’t enough and you need to GO WAYYYYY DEEPER.

And yes, mostly this happens in 1:1 sessions with a great coach, through NLP or TLT for example.

Sorry to say,
but I’m not, of course. 😉

It works, so why don’t you try it?

You know,
our body holds onto SO much crap that our mind can’t even begin to perceive.

There’s So much more that’s going on underneath the surface.
There’s so much more that you need to let go fo.
There are so many more ways for you to heal…

if what you’ve tried up until this point hasn’t worked.

Again, it’s YOUR choice.

Either you continue to BELIEVE in a GREAT outcome,
in 100% complete healing

or you don’t stand a chance.

If you allow yourself to lose hope,
you pave the way for living in the land in between diet prison and complete freedom,

but you’ll never get to taste the sweetness of this life without bingeing, without constant dieting,
without the overwhelming feeling of shame gnawing at your psyche.

When you lose hope,
CHOOSE hope.

When you get angry,
FEEL the anger and let it move THROUGH your body.
Then get up and move on.

When you get really fucking sad about your current situation,
DIVE INTO the sadness,
then stand up and repeat your battle cry.

For YOU are the only one who can do this work for you.
YOU are the one who determines how far you can go.
YOUR thoughts navigate the level of freedom you can achieve.

If you don’t believe it,
it won’t happen.

If you do,
it WILL.

There’s no other possibility.

So, do ALL you can – if you truly want it.
Don’t do it, if you are satisfied living a half-life.

You have massive internal resources that you are not using.
Are you ready to dig deep?

Even if you’re tired
Even if you’re fed up
Even if you’re MAD as hell

dig deeper
and deeper
and deeper yet


Out of respect for your own greatness and light.
Out of respect for your journey.
Out of respect of your freaking amazing SELF.

When you lose hope, re-claim it.


Give yourself the Gift of a Life without Binges And Living the Life of Your Dreams…

I have two spaces available for a brand new program. With me. And you. 1-1. Intimate. Tight. Intense.

No bullshit.

Is your soul nudging you that it’s time?

Are you ready to walk away from the shame that is ruining your life?

PM me on Facebook or book a convo here and we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you.

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