Recently, my life’s been freaking amazing! I was riding a high for weeks and weeks.

My career was amazing, my health and private life were better than ever, my income soared and I just felt SO freaking GREAT.

I decided to host another round of NEXT LEVEL LIVING, one of my all-time favorite programs. because I knew that you could benefit from my energy and share in the abundance that I was experiencing.

And then…

Johann got sick.
Really sick.

It took me right off my game, shifting my awareness away from sharing NEXT LEVEL LIVING and towards taking care of my son.

And of course,
🥁 drum rolls please 🥁
I got really sick too.

This happens every time.

My upper limit problem.

I know it so well. My upper limit problem comes up whenever life is REALLY great, so great that my Unconscious Mind gets scared and starts to create problems that sabotage my success.

Last year, when I was part of a beautiful program called Healing Woman where we went into the depth of our programming in order to release some major fears and ancient pains, Johann was sick every time our group met up. Every time. I first saw it as a way of him processing with me, but I also needed to acknowledge that this was my ULP (Upper Limit Problem) messing with his health.

One of my core beliefs used to be that it’s super easy for others to hate me. Therefor going into a group of women and sharing my life with them was a major disruption to this story. Boom 💥. Something needed to happen to get my mind worrying about my private life. Can’t fully embrace being in a sisterhood if your son is at home with a high fever, can you?

Then, this morning, I burned my wrist while making myself my daily (OK, I have way more than one ☕️ a day…) Caramel Macchiato. Another one of these moments of 🤬! I told ya, life can’t be that good! Cheeky smile from my Unconscious Mind.

Years ago, I would’ve believed my UM and would’ve thrown in the towel, knowing that happiness, ease, flow and joy aren’t for me. But nooo, that’s so not true.

It’s just one of my fears manifesting into something physical. This gives me the chance to observe the beliefs that are still messing with my mind, work with them, forgive them, accept myself and heal what needs to be resolved.

Do you have an upper limit problem? Are you aware of it?

Do you go back to dieting every time your life is going REALLY well?

Do you push away every guy that isn’t full of drama and, well, 💩?

Do you blame others for things that were outside of their control? Do you blame yourself? Or even go into a spiral of shame?

Do you deflect praise and compliments or start an argument with your kids every time the family vibe is super light?

All of these behaviors can mirror an upper limit problem AND the cool thing is that this can totally be “fixed”. I can show you how and support you on this path as this is some of the work we’ll do in NEXT LEVEL LIVING.

Super cool, isn’t it? 😉

And the even cooler thing is that I am extending the Early Bird Officer to Friday, July 24th as I couldn’t tell you more about it earlier this week!

I canNOT wait to see you dig into your life beyond dieting and spend August creating YOUR Next Level Life with you!

Join us now and get ready for a massive surge of joy, ease and abundance.


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