The holidays can be a whirlwind — full of joy and celebration but also overwhelming with unexpected curveballs and obligations. And while it’s nice to spend special moments in the company of friends and family, sometimes we need some alone time after all the excitement fades away.

That’s why taking the time for self-care is crucial: it helps us reconnect with ourselves, our goals, values, and purpose. To help guide you through this process, I’ve compiled 33 self-care questions that you can ask yourself post-Christmas to make sure your feelings are heard loud and clear before moving forward into 2023 refreshed, full of ambition!

Let’s take a deep dive into how best you can nurture your soul today, this week and especially next December.

Here are 33 Questions to reconnect with yourself

Grab your diary, light up that candle, whip together some coffee deliciousness then shut the door on reality for an hour or two and write.

  1. How did you feel during Christmas this year – were you happy, stressed, anxious, or something else entirely
  2. Why do you think you felt that way?
  3. What was your favorite part of Christmas this year, and why?
  4. Did you spend time with family or friends, or did you spend it alone? How did that make you feel, and would you like to change it next year?
  5. What did you learn about yourself this year – the good, the bad, the ugly?
  6. (How) Did you find the time to balance work with spending time with family and friends over the holidays?
  7. What kind of traditions did you participate in this year – old ones or new ones that you started yourself?
  8. What did your family and friends mean to you during Christmas this year – were they supportive, a source of stress, or something else entirely?
  9. What was the most meaningful gift that you gave or received this year – why was it so special to you/them?
  10. Where could you have created more boundaries with family and friends?
  11. Were there any challenges or difficulties you faced?
  12. How did you manage your own expectations for the holiday season?
  13. What was the most memorable moment from Christmas Day?
  14. (How) Did you prioritize self-care during the holiday season?
  15. Were there any moments of gratitude or appreciation that stood out to you?
  16. What was the most unexpected or surprising thing that happened during Christmas?
  17. Did you have any meaningful conversations or discussions with loved ones during the holiday season?
  18. How did you express your love and appreciation for others?
  19. What was the most fun or enjoyable activity you participated in?
  20. (How) Did you give back or contribute to others during the holiday season?
  21. Were there any personal goals or resolutions that you made last year? How did you work towards achieving them?
  22. How did you stay healthy (not in terms of “dieting”!!!) and take care of yourself?
  23. Were there any traditions or activities that you missed or wished you could have participated in?
  24. How did you balance the demands of the holiday season with your other responsibilities and commitments?
  25. Did you have time for reflection or introspection during the last few weeks?
  26. How did you manage any feelings of loneliness or isolation?
  27. Were there any moments of sadness or grief? If so, how did you cope with them?
  28. Were there any moments of forgiveness or healing during the holiday season?
  29. Were there any moments of connection or unity? Which ones?
  30. (How) Did you stay present on your own needs? How can you change that next year?
  31. What is one thing you haven’t done that you are eternally grateful for this Christmas?
  32. What will you gladly and definitely cut from next year’s Christmas celebrations?
  33. What’s one thing you can do today that is just for you?

Now that you’ve had a chance to sit with some of these questions, how do you feel?

I hope this exercise has helped you get in touch with your innermost thoughts and feelings, restored some balance and awakened more dreams and visions for yourself and your family.

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