Do you know this scenario?

You’ve had an amazing time at a conference, a trip to a place you’ve never been before, a silent retreat that brought up new insights, and you promise yourself that once you return home, your life will never be the same.

Only to “wake up” three months later and notice that, well, nothing, really, has changed?

I’ve been there.

And I’ve learned how to keep the momentum going, even when you’re back to daily life.

In today’s episode:

A guide to ensure the energy and inspiration flourish long after your journey ends.

Step 1: Reflect and Document

The first step in keeping the momentum going is to set aside time for reflection. You may want to keep a journal while you travel to write down what captured your attention. If you don’t have enough time while you’re away, be sure to do so right after your experience to remember the moments that touched you.

Capture the essence of your journey through words, pictures, or even videos. Documenting your impressions can work wonders, helping you to keep the momentum going.

Step 2: Set Clear Goals

Look at your document and draw out the goals and milestones that will get you to the next level of your life. Those personal goals you want to achieve? The secret to making them a reality is putting them on your calendar.

Step 3: Create a Vision Board

Create a vision board that visually represents your goals and the inspirations you drew from your trip. Include pictures, quotes, and other elements that remind you of your trip and objectives.

Creating a vision board may sound hokey, but it works. But looking at your visions daily will allow you to stay focused on what’s important and will keep you motivated to achieve your goals easily.

I share my favorite vision board tips in this blog post.

Step 4: Maintain Connections

Stay in touch with the people you met during your trip. Keeping connections alive can sometimes bring back the energies and inspire you to work on your goals.

Step 5: Integrate Lessons into Daily Life

Every trip teaches us something new. You may fall in love with a different culture, favor new food groups, or gain insights from quiet reflection amidst nature.

Integrate these lessons into your daily life to shape your routines and perspectives. You might want a new hobby, allow yourself to approach problems with a new creative level, re-commit to your best morning routine, or completely let go of all structures that have kept you stuck for a while.

Step 6: Sharing and Mentoring

As you move forward on the path of self-discovery and growth, take a moment to share your experiences and learnings with others. Talk about your experiences with those who long to gain new insights like I did on this podcast. Talk about the special insights, the most beautiful and emotional moments, the Ahas, and everything else you do not want to forget.

Sharing reinforces your learnings and often offers yet another layer to your perspective. Remember, every story can inspire and encourage others on their paths, too.

Step 7: Plan Mini-Adventures

To keep the momentum going, plan mini-adventures or short trips locally. It doesn’t have to be a grand excursion; even small adventures can rekindle the spirit of your trip.

Step 8: Revisit and Adjust

Regularly revisit your goals and your progress. It’s okay to adjust your goals as you move forward. The key is maintaining a forward momentum, even if the direction changes slightly.

Remember that maintaining energy and momentum is a continuous process. It requires conscious effort and a willingness to stay connected to the inspirations and lessons you gained during your trip, conference, or other adventure.

Keep that momentum alive! The journey is far from over; it has just begun!

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