Creating a vision board

Living a boldly magnificent is not a thing you do once, it’s an approach to a live full of adventure,, self-realization, and chasing your dreams. If you want to make your dreams come true and not wait for “one day” or “if something turns out somehow”, one of the best things you can do is create a vision board.

A vision board is a giant mood board where you collect images and words that inspire you and help you visualize your intentions and goals. You can make a physical board by gluing pictures from magazines onto a poster board, or you can create a digital one using Pinterest or Canva.

I prefer the physical one as it takes you away from your computer AND working with your hands gives you brain an extra boost of “this is something that I am going to make happen”!

Creating a vision board may sound hokey, but trust me, it works. When you’re looking at your visions every day, it’s easier to stay focused on what’s important and motivated to achieve your goals. So if you’re feeling stuck in your career or personal life, grab some scissors and glue (or open up Pinterest) and get started on making your vision board!

How to create a vision board that works for you

A vision board is not just a fun activity to do in your spare time – it can be the tool that helps bring you closer to achieving your goals!

To make sure your vision board will work for you, ask yourself these questions:

How do you want to feel this year?
Who do you want to surround yourself with?
What do you want less of in your life?
What do you want more of in your life?
What would you do if you couldn’t fail?
What are your passions in life?
How do you want to experience your body this year?
What would add more meaning to your life?
Why are you here?
If money was not a factor, what would be on your vision board?
What do you want to experience this year?

Then, gather images or even phrases of things that represent the life you want to have and arrange them across your board; let your creativity loose! After that, find some ways to make it interactive – add words of motivation, tasks, or affirmations into the mix.

A vision board is an ever-evolving project, so don’t be afraid to keep changing the placement of items on your board until you land on something that gives you a sense of focus and purpose.

The benefits of having a vision board

Creating a vision board sounds like it should be the last thing on your to-do list – after all, what good can pushing a few pictures and words around do? Turns out it has some pretty impressive benefits! Having a visual representation of your goals can help put you in the right frame of mind to strive for the success you desire.

It’s almost like an inspirational coach. 😉 Plus if you pin it up in a place where you see it every day, it will remind you of what you’re working towards and keep your motivation levels high.

Tips for making your vision board more effective

When it comes to making a vision board more effective, there are a few key tricks you can use. First, make sure to pick images and words that create an emotional response in you – the more vivid and exciting, the better! Also, be sure to give yourself plenty of space on the board so you can keep adding new ideas as they come.

Finally, try talking to your vision board every once in a while – who knows, maybe one day you’ll surprise yourself with a reply! Take it from me: having creative conversations with yourself is always worth a shot.

How to keep your board updated

Keeping your vision board updated doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be a source of inspiration! Put on some music and get creative – move goals around and add new ones, switch out pictures, update colors, draw positive affirmations – whatever gets you excited!

Even if you just end up rearranging the same elements with a slightly different look once in a while, that counts too! It’s like giving your vision board its own mini makeover. That way when you look at it each day it will always feel fresh and exciting (so no more dreams getting stale!). So go ahead and let those visions flow – your future self will thank you for it.

Why you should never give up on your dreams

Pursuing your dreams can be a challenging journey. There will be times when you’ll feel like you’ve been running in place forever, consisting of daily routines and disappointments. During these moments, it can be incredibly tempting to just call it quits and throw the towel in. But don’t let those discouraging thoughts overtake your motivation!

Remind yourself that perseverance is key; we all have down days, so giving up is something you should never cross off your to-do list – unless of course, giving up on quitting is on that vision board ;)! Consistent effort toward whatever it is you’re striving for will eventually lead to success.

So remember: never give up because great things take time and patience! Just look at your vision board, take a deep breath and remember why it is you’re doing what you’re doing after all.

Now that you know how to make an effective vision board, it’s important to put it in a place where you will see it every day. When you forget about your big why, your vision board can help remind you of what you’re working towards and before you know it, you’ll look back and realize that, yes, anything is possible. 



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