how to feel better about myself

Do you constantly doubt your self-worth and feel inferior because your body doesn’t look like the picture perfect shapes you see in fashion magazines? Do you check yourself in the mirror and hate on your supposed flaws? Is there never really a day when you feel good about yourself?

Then it’s time to stop looking at solutions outside of yourself and start looking within. Instead of asking what’s wrong with you, start asking yourself; “How to feel better about myself”, and you will find the answers inside.

Yes, life does throw us a curveball every now and then but there is always an opportunity to get back up. Accepting who you are, coming to terms with the fact that you’ll never be perfect as nobody is, is possible – and simpler than you might believe.

Instead of body checking yourself every time you see a mirror, start smiling wider (there are so many reasons to be joyful) and allow your heart to see the beauty of the world. There is nothing more beautiful than a smile that comes from the heart. So, girl, stop hating on yourself and open the door for more happiness and joy.

Don’t seek approval of others. You need to approve of yourself at first.

The more you’ll focus on the opinions and views of others, the unhappier you’ll be. Don’t let them determine who you are and what you’re worthy of.

Spend some time with yourself and begin to get to know yourself. Who are you underneath your clothes? Who is the woman that lies underneath your insecurities and shaming thoughts? What does she desire? What does she want? What is she capable of?

These questions may feel impossible to answer, especially when you struggle with a super low self-esteem, but if you tune in, if you dig deep and if you allow yourself to show up to who you really are, you WILL find answers that blow your mind.

If you are ready to get out of the darkness and live in the light, take action today.

Begin to embrace yourself, one baby step at a time and you will gradually connect more and more with life again. My podcast and programs will help you find the way back to yourself. If you take action on the thoughts and advice I share, you will soon unleash the confident, self-assured and positive woman you are.

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