Welcome to 2024 – a year that is sooo full with possibilities and the perfect opportunity to align with what your soul truly desires.

Instead of the usual list of resolutions, let’s focus on a more heartfelt approach to the new year, one that resonates deeply with your true inner self; one that will last beyond January 17th. 😉

Listen to Your Inner Voice

The journey begins with listening – truly listening – to your heart. Of course it does, right?! Before the magic of the new year disappears and the pressures of our society take over again, tune in to gentle murmur that is your soul’s voice.

Take a moment to reflect on what brings you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s a long-lost dream, a passion project, or a simple change in routine, give this voice the attention it deserves. Let it guide your choices and actions in the year ahead.

To truly check in with yourself, you might want to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What activities make me lose track of time?
  2. When do I feel most alive and energized?
  3. What dreams have I put on hold?
  4. Which people in my life bring out the best in me?
  5. What am I most proud of achieving in the past?
  6. What would I do if I wasn’t afraid of failing?
  7. What are the values that I hold most dear?
  8. How do I want to feel at the end of each day?
  9. What have I always wanted to learn or try but haven’t yet?
  10. When do I feel the most at peace?
  11. What makes me feel most connected to others?
  12. What are my greatest strengths and talents?
  13. What have been the most meaningful experiences of my life?
  14. How can I make a positive impact in my community or the world?
  15. What are the small things that bring me joy?
  16. What does my ideal day look like?
  17. How do I want to be remembered by others?
  18. What are the challenges that I feel excited to overcome?
  19. What change would I like to see in my life one year from now?
  20. How can I align my daily actions with my deeper purpose?

Dive into the Art of Slow Living

Sometimes, happiness is found in simplicity. This year, try to cut back on the clutter – both physical and mental. This could mean decluttering your home, spending less time on social media, or saying no to commitments that don’t bring you joy. By simplifying, you create space for what you really want in life and it might surprise the heck out of it.

Oh yes, I hear your fears coming up. There screaming loud and anxiously about all the bad stuff that might happen when you slow down, simplify and – gasp – even say no to obligations you reallllyyyy do not want to be a part of. You will miss out, disappoint others, or face a sense of emptiness, your fears say. Well, let’s get them some food for thought, shall we?

Your Fears and why they are exaggerating

I will miss out on life: Remind yourself that by saying no to what doesn’t serve you, you’re actually saying yes to what truly matters. This might mean more quality time for yourself, deeper connections with loved ones, or focusing on your passions.

I will disappoint others and they’ll hate me forever: Setting boundaries is a form of self-respect and teaches others how to respect you. People who truly care for you will understand and support your need to prioritize your well-being and happiness.

It’ll feel so empty: Yes, simplifying your life might leave you with a sense of void. But this space is so healing and crucial to find room for new growth and opportunities. Welcome this emptiness with open arms and know that soon, this void will be filled with creativity, new ideas, and renewed energy.

I will lose control: Control freak much? Letting go can sometimes feel like losing control, especially if you’re used to a packed schedule. Recognize that real control comes from making intentional choices about your time and energy, not from filling every moment.

Who am I if I am not running around busy, busy, busy?: If you equate being busy with being worthy, this experiment will be interesting and it will challenge your self-perception. Deep down, you know that your value isn’t tied to how much you do but to who you are. Slowing down will be such a gift for you in that it’ll help you rediscover and appreciate your inherent worth.

Simplifying isn’t about having less for the sake of it, but about making room for more of what truly makes your soul sing.

Cultivate Deep and Meaningful Connections

The more we live or lives in a digital form, the more we crave genuine connections. In 2024, make an effort to deepen relationships that resonate with your true self. Whether it’s rekindling old friendships, nurturing family bonds, or seeking out new like-minded souls, these connections are powerful additions to your everyday life, bringing positivity and joy.

At the same time, let go of relationships that no longer serve you, that stress you, make you feel depleted, or even angry and lost. Spending life with you is a privilege that not everybody deserves!

Pursue Your Soul’s True Passions

Ask yourself, what sets your soul on fire? Is it art, adventure, learning, or helping others? Make it a point to add these activities to your life this year. Seriously, what are you waiting for?

What is a day lived without doing more and more of what makes you smile from ear to ear? What is a life lived without some adventures that make your heart speed up and the butterflies in your belly sing with glee?

That thing you’ve always wanted to do? The journey your soul craves? Now’s the time to take action.

Create Spaces for Soulful Reflection

Time for introspection gets pushed aside way too often. I am so guilty of it too. And every time I stop journaling, meditating, tapping, etc. my (inner) life gets worse. It’s a law. No way to deny it. Having some kind of practice for reflection is vital for staying aligned with your desires and stay focused on your path.

Here are some questions to get you started with your journaling practice:

  1. What made me smile today?
  2. If today was a color, what would it be and why?
  3. What’s one thing I did today that I’m proud of?
  4. If I could talk to my teenage self, what advice would I give?
  5. What’s something new I learned about myself today?
  6. How did I express kindness or gratitude today?
  7. If today’s experiences were a movie, what genre would it be?
  8. What’s one thing I can do differently tomorrow for a better day?
  9. What’s a long-term goal I made progress on today?
  10. What’s the most out-of-the-box thing I thought of today?
  11. How did I challenge my comfort zone today?
  12. What’s a question I’ve been avoiding asking myself?
  13. What am I looking forward to tomorrow?
  14. What’s a dream I had last night that I can remember?
  15. If I could teleport anywhere right now, where would I go?
  16. What’s one habit I want to develop for a better me?
  17. What’s a song that perfectly encapsulates my day?
  18. What am I most grateful for at this very moment?
  19. What’s a fear I faced today, no matter how small?
  20. If I could have dinner with any historical figure tonight, who would it be and why?

These questions are designed to spark deeper introspection and keep you engaged with your inner self. They can lead to surprising discoveries and help maintain a consistent and meaningful reflection practice. Remember, the key to effective reflection is not just in asking the questions but in taking the time to genuinely ponder and answer them.

If you want more, check out my 365 Journaling Prompts for more Body-Confidence, Self-Love & Happiness. This soul-opening program will be delivered to your inbox every single day for a year. Get the details here.

Be Open to Bold Experiences

Be open to trying new things this year as your soul’s desires might lead you down unfamiliar paths, urging you to step out of your comfort zone. How fun is that, right? I cannot even imagine living life the same way year in, year out. I get cranky when I am stuck in a routine for more than a couple of months. Growth and change are integral to fulfilling our deepest yearnings.

Remember, every experience, be it full of bliss or rather challenging, is a step towards understanding yourself better and living life to the fullest.

I am in the somewhat final steps of moving to the US and it scares the s**t out of me. Of course it does.

Thoughts like Where will we live? Will it be a good neighborhood? How will everything work out financially? What if we get sick? Where will Johann go to school? Will he find new friends? Will he be homesick? What if I make the biggest mistake of my life? are running through my mind day in, day out.

And then there are these two thoughts that trump it all: But what if it’s everything I’ve dreamt of and so much more? What if it works out way better than I could’ve ever imagined? 

And that’s the way it it goes. Life lived safely (if there even is such a thing) might be predictable (but truly, noooo, it is not, never ever), but life lived according to your biggest dreams will be magnificent, and yes, scary. To me though, there’s nothing scarier than wondering what could’ve been. And that’s for another post. 😉

Above All, Make Time for Fun

As you live this year, remember to prioritize joy and laughter. Life, especially a heart-first life, has more than enough space for the little and big things that make your heart leap.

When you work so hard on yourself and your goals, find moments to let loose and enjoy yourself. Whether it’s a short dance break in your living room, a mom or dad joke in your otherwise bland meeting, speaking in silly noises with your child or partner or going on a spontaneous road trip, these small practices make all the difference for your heart, mind and spirit.

Fun is not just a break from routine; it’s a way of living your life with full energy and creativity. It keeps you connected to the lighthearted side of yourself, and reminds you that your journey is as important as your destination. This year, make fun your daily companion in life, even and especially if the days seem hard.

In the grand scheme of things, all that matters is that you enjoy yourself and your loved ones and create a live that is rich in experiences, happiness and love. What else is there, really? So, as you step forward into this year, make a conscious effort to embrace joy, laughter, and fun at every opportunity. Let it uplift and energize you, adding brightness and lightness to your 2024 journey.

Here’s to a boldly magnificent 2024! 🤩🥰🥳

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