In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s common to feel a bit overwhelmed. With endless to-do lists and constant digital connectivity, finding a moment of peace can be challenging. That’s where Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) come in.

This script perfect for those busy days when you need a quick way to reset and find balance. It’s super easy to follow and can be a helpful tool in your daily self-care routine. Whether you’re new to EFT or have used similar techniques before, this script aims to provide a simple, effective way to bring a bit of calm into your day.

Setup (Karate Chop Point):

Even though I’m feeling this anxiety and stress in my body and mind, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though the world moves so fast and it’s hard to keep up, I love and accept myself unconditionally.
Even though I’m overwhelmed by the demands and pace of life, I choose to feel calm and centered.

Eyebrow Point:
I feel this stress in every part of my body.

Side of the Eye:
It’s hard to keep up with everything.

Under the Eye:
This anxiety that’s gripping me.

Under the Nose:
The pressure to perform and be perfect.

Chin Point:
Feeling overwhelmed by the pace of the world.

This constant sense of rush and urgency.

Under the Arm:
The weight of my responsibilities and expectations.

Top of the Head:
All this anxiety and stress, it’s so exhausting.

Now, I’m choosing to release it and breathe in peace.

Eyebrow Point:
Releasing the tension from my body.

Side of the Eye:
Letting go of the need to be perfect.

Under the Eye:
Easing the anxiety, bit by bit.

Under the Nose:
It’s okay to take a moment for myself.

Chin Point:
Slowing down, breathing deeply.

Embracing calmness in this hectic world.

Under the Arm:
I am more than my stress and anxiety.

Top of the Head:
I choose peace, calm, and serenity over anxiety.

I acknowledge my feelings, but I choose not to be ruled by them. I am in control, calm, and centered, even in a fast-paced world.

Remember that dealing with stress in a fast-paced world is about finding small, manageable ways to help yourself throughout the day. This EFT script is one such tool – easy to use whenever you need a brief pause to reset and refocus. By tapping regularly, you will navigate your day with a bit more ease and a little less tension. Keep it handy for those moments when you need to step back, take a breath, and regain your balance.

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