One of the biggest insecurities when escaping diet prison is not really knowing what to eat in order to, hmmm, feel good, balanced and full of energy.

After decades of dieting (or sometimes “only” a few months), the rules of what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat are so powerful that not eating according to those inner “court-orders” produces a LOT of guilt, shame and fears of failure.

Experts tell you all the time which foods are “good”, which ones are “bad” and what certain foods do to elevate your “health” or deplete it. You’ve probably seen ten blog posts about the “5 foods everyone should eat every day” or “the 10 foods everyone has to have in their fridge” in your newsfeed today alone.

It’s easy to feel panicked –

especially when you feel insecure about your body, weight and health anyway.

Here’s the thing though: These “experts” “might” have a point telling you which foods are more health-promoting than others (although that also is debatable), BUT your body knows better and best. If you get constipated after eating a “super food” (which – there are no such things as super foods…) or feel sick after eating apples, then your body is telling you that you need to choose something else.

When bananas make you nauseous just by looking at them (urgh urgh urgh), then you do NOT have to force yourself to eat them – no matter how “good” some nutritionist on TV says they are.

Instead of looking for outside sources to tell you what to eat, begin to tune inward and I promise you that you’ll get the nutrients you need – by listening to your body and trusting her again.

You know what’s best for you. Even if you’re not acting on that knowledge, deep down, you know.

You know that there are foods that aren’t as great for your body as others and you know that there are foods your body thrives on. Sometimes these foods correlate with what the experts and blog posts say and sometimes they don’t. Who cares?

As long as you listen to your body and trust yourself, you’ll be more than good.

Let’s escape diet prison together. Book your 30-minute Breakthrough Session and begin choosing yourself over and over and over again. No more body hatred. No more obsession with being thin. No more pain. You can turn it around. Starting now. 

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