





Body be gone. 

Words and thoughts that circle in our minds when we’re addicted to being the smallest version of ourselves.

Maaaaybe there’s an aspect of wanting to be toned and strong in our thinness, but mostly, it’s about taking up the least amount of space with our flesh and bones.

Body-confidence when trapped in the mindset of “thin is best” can only be achieved when fat disappears, can’t be seen, is gone.

A single role of skin and fat can drive you into a meltdown that lasts for days and darkens your every experience.

A single occurrence of apparent overeating ruins your week, month, sometimes even years.

A single glimpse in the mirror at an angle you’ve not carefully chosen leads to feelings of complete failure and utter worthlessness.

Body-confidence when on a diet has nothing to do with your body and everything to do with the messed-up picture of health and beauty we’ve bought into on a societal level.

Feeling confident in your body, when it’s all about not seeing her, not being in her, not embodying her at all, is about escaping your body, escaping your Self, escaping the pain you don’t want to face. This form of being “confident” in your body, this form of being “in love’ with your shape, really, has nothing to do with body-confidence AT ALL. What you’re doing when you’re building your confidence and love on a thin body that – at its core – is designed to be ever-changing is starting a war that you will lose in more ways than you may be able to imagine.

No, body-confidence has nothing to do with the exact shape of your body.

Body-confidence is not about the pounds lost or the jeans you are able to wear.

Body-confidence can’t be built on a number you see on the scale.

As body-confidence is about being at peace with your body no matter your size.

It’s about feeling GREAT in your body because of what she does for you instead of how you’d like her to change for your own benefits.

It’s about honoring your body and supporting her on her journey of taking care of you instead of beating her up for not measuring up with what you see in magazines.

Body-confidence is about respecting your body, giving her what she needs, listening to her and allowing her to grow and change without you freaking out.

Body-confidence is about trust, appreciation and a deep knowing of your own worth.

It’s about everything BUT the number you see on the scale.

It’s about everything BUT counting calories to stay small.

It’s about everything BUT trying to cheat your body and trick your mind.

Body-confidence after being a diet addict starts with the recognization that the war you’ve been fighting against yourself has been fruitless and that the body-confidence you thought you had or thought you’d gain by losing weight was never based on confidence at all.

It’s starts with being willing to listen, to learn, to let go of your limiting and painful beliefs and the need to be thin.

It starts with YOU getting to know your body all over again.

One day at a time.

One step at a time.

One tiny decision at a time.

And while there will be times of agony and fear when breaking out of diet prison, you will soon feel and experience how very beautiful, comforting and life-changing true body-confidence is.

Body-confidence is only body-confidence when it’s independant of size, weight and calories.

Are you there yet?

Are you willing to walk the path?

Or are you still enarmored with the idea that only weight loss will get you to body-confidence; knowing that it’s all just an illusion you’re fighting to keep?

There’s a decision to be made and it needs to be made NOW as time is quickly running out.

Your relationship with your body can turn into a beautiful connection!

You might be thinking that your situation is hopeless, that you’ll always have to fight your body, log calories, exercise your body to the ground, stay hungry and unsatisfied.

You might be thinking that you’re the exception, that you’re different than those who did break free.
However, those thoughts aren’t true.

Your relationship with food and your body can change. It will change if you take the right steps, if you learn the right skills and if you transform your mindset – lovingly, of course.

It might not happen overnight, but it can happen for sure.

Work with me now.

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