Let’s talk about judgement!

Here’s the thing: people will judge.
They’ll shame.
They’ll disagree.
They might even laugh.

Some will do it jokingly,
others will actually mean it.

People will talk about you.
They’ll comment.
They’ll have their opinions.

Just by looking at you.

That’s what people do.

But – you don’t have to listen.
You don’t have to believe.
You don’t have to look.

You don’t have to buy into their bullshit.

You don’t have to CARE.

In fact, you cannot care.

If you want to live an abundant life based on your values and choices.
If you wan to live a life of freedom.
If you want to stay true to you.

You have to choose not to care about what people say.

It’s not the thing we do, right?

We twist and turn
and shapeshift
and do all kinds of gymnastics
just to please others –

people we may not even know.

People way may only see for a moment,
a plane ride,
a night out.

We turn against ourselves –
the ONLY person that stays with ous for LIFE –
freaking LIFE –
ever thought about that?

YOU are the one you’ll forever be with.
You’ve forever been with.

YOU are the one who hurts yourself the most though.
Every time you twist and turn
you shapeshift
and deny your truth
for others.

To what?
What’s the outcome?

To be liked?

Based on what?
A lie?

A body that’s not meant to be yours?
Losing 10 pounds to gain 20 back?

What are you trying to accomplish
by changing your outfit 20 times because you’re scared of other people’s reaction?

What are you trying to proof
by toning your butt because you want others to look at it at the beach?

Who are you trying to please
by denying yourself the right to be who you are?

The beauty is – though you will probably not like it –
that no matter how much you twist and turn
you shapeshift
and deny
you will never be happy not being yourself.

You can have the perfect body
but if you deny yourself every pleasure
if you never eat what you actually want
if you skip social gatherings
never go to the movies
always slave away at the gym when others are living their lives
you will not be happy.

You will always feel like you’ve missed out.
You will always feel like something – anything – is missing.

You will have that hole in your heart.

And that’s fabulous, isn’t it?

It’s great as it shows you were that you are headed down the wrong road.
The road towards a life that belongs to a person other than you.

And you deserve more than that.
The person you’ll spend the rest of your life with,
the person you’ve spent every second of every day with
since the moment you were conceived –
deserves fucking more.

She deserves to live a full life –
a life of laughter,
success defined by your heart,
and love.

So much love.

And that love starts with yourself.

It starts by you admitting that you are not happy with where you’re at.
By admitting that what you’ve always done –
be that dieting, self-loathing, body-shaming –
doesn’t work for you.
By realizing that your ways will need to change,
that hating yourself into loving yourself just
not work.

It starts by you turning towards yourself instead of turning against yourself
every fucking chance you get.

So, those people who can’t take you for who you are?

Leave them behind.

It’s their loss,
not yours.

It’s their narrow mindedness,
not yours.

It’s their prejudice,
not yours.

Turn your back against them,
not your own self.

It may hurt.
It may feel like you’re exposing your soul to every single human being around,
but it will be the most freeing thing you’ve ever done.

Stop twisting.
Stop turning.
Stop shapeshifting

and finally

choose to have the courage to be yourself.

If you don’t know who you are,
then get to know yourself.

Date yourself.
Hire a coach.

And figure it out.

If you want to, you’ll find a way.
You’ll learn to love yourself.

You’ll find so so so SO much to LOVE
it’ll blow your mind.

Every day.
In every way.

And you’ll have that “thing” you’ve been looking for all of your life:
Emotional resilience.

So, let them talk.
Let them laugh.
Let them look.

And instead of allowing random people to tear you apart,
realize that it’s your choice to care.

It’s your choice to buy into their beliefs.
To buy into the way they see you.
To believe their words.
To hear their truths.

It’s your choice to CARE.

If you don’t, you don’t.
If you stop allowing them to get to you,
they’ll lose their power.

And you’ll gain your life.

And I know, I know,
it’s not FAIR.

It’s hard.
It sucks.

Yes, it does.

But are you going to let it ruin your life?

Is other people’s opinion the foundation you want to build your life on?
Is other people’s random judgement the truth you want to own?
Is other people’s anything really worth your consideration, time and life force?

If yes, then go live your miserable life.

If no, then GO FREAKING YOU.

Because YOU will choose to build the resilience.
You WILL choose to live your life YOUR way – not theirs.

And you will LOVE it.

So, go out.
Live your beautiful life.
Take care of your body, mind and soul.
Follow your heart and pave your own path.

Ignore “their” bullshit and instead of building your life on the sandcastle called other people,
enhance your sense of self-worth,
and be yourself on ALL levels.

No, you don’t have to care.
You don’t have to know.
You don’t have to respond.

All you have to do is focus on revealing your Self to yourself.

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