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I’ve been thinking a lot about the purpose of life.

About why we’re here – why I’m here.

What is the reason of it all?

What does it matter if we live or die?

What does it matter if we are super thin or 50 pounds “overweight” (don’t believe in such a thing, but let’s just overlook this for a moment, OK?)?

What does it matter if we make a million bucks or live at the brink of bankruptcy?

Most people attach some kind of purpose to their existence: looking your best, raising kids, being skinny, being a mother, a father, having a great career, making tons of money, giving to others, being of service, learning to be yourself and more.

These are (mostly) all great goals to strive for, but are they really true purposes? Are they really the reasons we are here?

I used to think that if only I lost as much weight as I possibly could, I’d have it all. I believed that if I looked like Britney Spears, I’d be happy. I believed that if I had the hair and arms of Heidi Klum, I’d be rich and accomplished. I believed that if I ate as little as possible, I’d be somebody – be less of me, more of someone better, be seen, heard, felt. I believed in all the wrong things.

I made being thin my purpose, my life’s highest goal. {Click to Tweet}

And oh, how many years I’ve wasted with a running calorie counter in my head. And oh, how many years I’ve been unhappy seeing everyone enjoy the daily moments of wonder while I was just watching on the sidelines. And oh, how many people I could’ve loved, but didn’t because I was just too damn hungry to truly be present for them.

No matter how thin I was, I was never happy. The hole in my heart, the longing for a purpose, was still wide open and hurt like hell.

I know that this is true for many of my clients too.

So, is being skinny “it”? Is being on the cover of a magazine really “it”? Is the never-ending hunger for “more” really “it”?

I don’t think so.

I might get too heady, but I believe in my heart of hearts that in the end, the true purpose of our lives is simply to love each other, forgive each other, heal each other. And laugh a lot.

There’s nothing more to it.

If you accumulate riches, you will still die without them.

If you accumulate hate, you will die with it.

If you isolate yourself because you want to “make it” and can’t be bothered having distractions, you’ll die alone.

If you live every day being hungry, you’ll die with lots of regrets for the foods you’ve never tried.

We will all go eventually. No matter which hardcore diet we follow, which career we have. We’ll all leave this earth.

So, the only thing that really, truly makes sense as the purpose is pure love.

It is to give as much of your heart as you can to those you are closest with.

We’re also here to heal – heal our own wounds and even those of our ancestors. Maybe we’re here to break the chain, to do something differently in our family history for the very first time. Maybe we’re the ones destined to change the story that’s been told for hundreds of years.

These things are bonuses. But love, love really is all that matters.

So, if you find yourself worrying about never “making it” (like I do) or always having not enough (money, cars, friends, food), stop and just give and love.

Spend time with those you want to be with.

Have fun with those you want to have fun with.

Work with those you want to work with.

Take risks with those you want to take risks with.

Love passionately with those you want to love with.

Be authentically who you truly are.

Eat whatever your body truly wants to eat.

And don’t worry about the size of your butt or the zeros in your bank account.

Trust and love and it’ll all work out.

This might sound romantic to you and naive. But tell me, if love isn’t the purpose of it all, what is?

If love+forgiveness isn’t the one thing that can make everything right, what is?

If heartfelt connections aren’t the purpose of our existence, than what is?

Tell me, I’m listening.


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