leap of faith

A jump from the edge of space.

Breathtaking. Thrilling. Daring. Groundbreaking. Record-breaking.

A phenomenal human accomplishment. An incredible mental risk.

I was holding my breath last night as I was watching Felix Baumgartner jump out of his capsule at an altitude of 128,100 feet.

Me and millions of people all around the world.

Whenever someone takes a leap of faith of comparable magnitude, the entire world gathers and watches in awe. There’s a feeling of collective accomplishment, joy and pride that spreads all over the world. The hero is praised with every form of superlative, showered with love, attention and money and the focus of every story.

But what about the leaps of faith we take every single day? The risks us “regular” folks dare?

Are they any less significant? Are they any less newsworthy?

Nope, not in the least.

Taking a leap of faith means something different for all of us. There’s no right or wrong leap. There’s no small or big leap. There’s no better or worse leap.

Every leap is phenomenal. Every leap is worthy. Every leap takes courage.

Yes, there are those that are aired on TV with millions of people cheering, trembling, hoping.

But then there are those leaps like quitting your job after a day, leaving your country behind, separating from your husband or deciding to have a child that happen every single day all around the world.

There are the leaps that save lives in silence, that embrace insecurity in private, that rally communities in little. Those are all leaps that go unnoticed by the general public, but they’re nonetheless are immensely significant in the lives of individuals.

In the lives of people like me and you.

You are a hero in your own right. [Click to Tweet]

Don’t let the big leaps intimidate you, but focus on your own, brilliant, daring risks and be proud of them. Always.

Which leaps of faith have you taken recently?

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