Easter, for me, is all about colors.

Spring is here (at least theoretically), flowers bloom again, the grass looks greener, the world feels more vivid, the apartment is being decorated with bright ornaments and most people are painting eggs in all kinds of fabulous colors.

After the dreary months of winter, you start to reawaken again and life somehow seems fuller, more exciting and full of possibilities.

But what if it doesn’t? What if your daily life feels colorless, boring, oppressive even and you lack any kind of inspiration and perspective? What if you wake up in the morning hoping this day was already over instead of being thrilled about yet another day of working on your legacy?

What if you simply cannot see what this endless string of similar days is all about? What if spring doesn’t bring you a new sense of awakening?

Well, then it’s time to add some color to your life. It’s up to you to take action though and be the driving force behind getting a few buckets of paint and splashing dots of colors on those grey walls that surround you.

Let’s take some action then, shall we?

Reevaluate Your Life

The first step towards making any kind of change is to create awareness of what is going wrong, what’s draining you and what’s making you feel like you’re going more and more numb to the wonders of this world.

Treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee, a hot chocolate or whatever it is you prefer and think about your life. Write down all the things that are bothering you. It can be simple things like the kind of milk you drink or more important things like the people you surround yourself with.

Be honest and don’t hold back. After all, this is about you and for you and nobody will see whatever it is you’ve written down.

What can you eliminate?

Once you’ve written down your points, figure out which changes won’t take too much work and which ones may take a bit of a longer time and more effort.

Go through the easier ones and zone in on the things you can eliminate out of your life right this very moment and replace them with something new and more to your liking.

You can go ahead and buy a new kind of milk.You can paint your bedroom walls in a different color this weekend. You can get a new hair color in half an hour.

You can go through your closet and throw away all the dreary, ugly, non-fitting clothes you have in no time and replace them with vibrantly colorful shirts, pants and dresses.

No excuses. No procrastination.

Make those changes and you’ll see the immediate impact on your mood and experience the freeing feeling this will create.

Then go on to create an action plan for the bigger changes. Create timeframes for every single one, realistically of course, and don’t let your fears and doubts get in the way. Plan as much as you want or even need to in order to feel secure, but don’t let this stop you from taking action.

Do your friends hold you back from achieving a higher level of success? Would you rather have ten root canal procedures done than spending one more day at your job?

Is your apartment draining the life out of you? Do you hate the city you live in? Are you sick and tired of your unhealthy eating habits?

Whatever it is, you can always, and I repeat, always eliminate the toxic habits, people and situations from your life. You just have to want it bad enough.

But what about those limiting thoughts?

A big part of being able to flip your life upside down is your mindset and this is where it gets tricky. Believe it or not, most people simply refuse to let go off old beliefs and antiquated world views. But it is not impossible to do so.

Hey, I’ve been a debby downer for most of my life and I have radically rewired my brain. So, you can do the same.

Stop seeing every road block as a problem and instead see it as a challenge that can be overcome. No matter what it is, I firmly believe you can take the driver’s wheel of your life in your own hands and change your course.

It all starts by thinking positive.

I’ve recovered from the deadliest mental illness there is and a big part of that was having positive affirmations to hold on to. So I know it works and I believe that everything is possible by using this method.

Look at life as an endless string of opportunities and a huge adventure instead of being scared of every single day. Let go off your fears and insecurities and be confident that you can take on every challenge, no matter what.

You Owe it To Yourself

You can walk away from destructive relationships. You can change your job. You can move to a different city. You can move to a different apartment. You can travel the world, learn new languages and discover foreign cultures. You can start eating healthy and working out regularly.

But only if you keep clinging on to your negative thoughts. You have to radically and ruthlessly stop listening to them and shove them aside with bright, reaffirming and vivid mantras in order to move forward, grow as a human being and make those changes that you so desperately long for.

Create the space in your life in which you can paint your masterpiece with all the colors that are slumbering within you just waiting to be reawakened.

The world is counting on you! 

Happy Easter!

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