It’s time to stop pretending
that you’re fine
that you’re great
that you’re happy
or even content.

It’s time to stop pretending
that you care
that you dream
that you have one ounce of energy left
to think about what’s next.

It’s time to stop pretending
that you’re someone
inside that hollow shell of yours
that only cares about her body,
about being thin.

It’s time to stop pretending
and get back up.

For real.

It’s time to get out of your victim mindset
and start fighting for your life.

For real.

It’s time to stop blaming
to stop pointing the finger at anyone but yourself.

For real.

It’s time to take responsibility
for your life.

For real.

Otherwise, you’ll wake up one day – or won’t –
and it’ll be too late.

Too late to care even just a tiny bit.
Too late to share even just a tiny bit the joy that was once inside.
Too late to pretend that you are here.

And willing to stay.

You don’t have unlimited time.

Tic tac.
Tic tac.
Tic tac.

Your life is waiting for you.

But where are you?

Still caught in diet prison?
Still listening to the millions of trainers, dieticians, weight loss experts who just want you to lose and gain and lose and gain?
Still buying into your limiting beliefs?
Still feeling oh so sorry for yourself?

Where’s the fight inside of you?
Where’s the warrior inside of you?
Where’s the unfathomably strong women inside of you?

That I know is there.

Because look at you.
Look at you.

There IS life inside.

But why don’t you see it?
Why do you continue to pretend?

Instead of tapping into your burning desire to LIVE.
To actually DO SOMETHING for yourself and for your life?

It’s time to stop pushing change off to tomorrow.
Next week.
January 1st 2038.

It’s time to stop avoiding yourself.
Avoiding all the messages the Universe has been sending you over and over and over again.

Why are you not listening?
Where’s your attention?

On your body?
Thinking about calories?
Hating on yourself?

Why is it SO important for you to be THIN?
Who cares about that?
Seriously – who cares?

Nobody with any substance.
Nobody with any ideals.
Nobody with the right kind of morals.

If people seriously ONLY care about the fat grams on your bones, then leave them behind.

You don’t need them in your life.
Nobody does.

Or is that really how shallow you are?
Is that really the value system you – deeply, deeply – care about?

I am going to take a wild guess here and say that nope, it’s not.
Your fears may tell you that YES, being thin IS everything, but your soul, your entire BEING cares about so much more.

So, stop pretending that you’re just a shell.
That you’re just a mixture of fat and skin.

Otherwise people might start to believe you –
and that won’t be any fun.

Being lonely.
Being really alone.

Just to have a body that is thin?

Being miserable.
Crying hot tears every night.

Just to wear size 0 jeans?

Feeling tired.
Being cold.

Just to say that your willpower is full on?

For real?

Where’s the fight inside your eyes?
Where’s the fire under your skin?
Where’s the love in your heart?

The love for your life?
The love for your self?
The love for this world?

Because – don’t make any mistake – the example you’re setting is being modelled by others.
It’s being seen.

So, stop pretending that this is what you want.
When every particle of your essence is screaming to stop this lunacy and finally begin the path to freedom that you’ve claimed to walk on for years.

Finally stop lying to yourself
and do something.

That will get you to a place of peace.

There’s an entire universe of joy, bliss, purpose and laughter underneath your layer of desperation, underneath the surface of that oh-so-perfect body of yours.

Why don’t you let it out?
Why are you holding it in?

So you can be skinny until the day you die?
So you can hate yourself until you take your last breath?
So you can blame everyone and their mom that you didn’t live your life?

It won’t work.
Nobody will care.

It’ll be your life that is destroyed.
Your life that was not lived.
Your life that was a mere shadow of the life it could’ve been.

And should be.

Because, oh my, there’s so much magic behind your eyes.
There’s glory in your smile.

If only we could see it.
If only you would know it.

Nobody has ever had exactly that mixture of feminine power, of gentleness, of tenderness and love that you host inside.
Nobody has ever had exactly that miraculous body that you’ve tried to eliminate every day of your life.
Nobody has ever had that wonderful sense of humor in exactly the way that you know how to crack a joke.
Nobody but you.

And yet here you are: allowing it all to go to waste, just to proof a point or what?

Who are you trying to please?
Who are you trying to hurt?
Who are you trying to get to see you for once?

It won’t work, love.
It just won’t.

As it’ll be your life that’s destroyed.
Your life that’s gone by.
Your life that’s a mere shadow of the glory you could’ve lived.

It’s time to stop pretending
that you’re even willing to change –
because, let’s face it, you’re not.

Not today, not tomorrow, not next week.
You don’t want to.
You don’t care.

As you’re comfortable just the way you are.
Soaking in your pain.
Relaxing into your own misery.
Slowly fading away.

And yet…
and yet…

There’s this spark.
The tiniest glimmer of hope? Promise? Joy?

There’s this little voice that urges you to try one more time.
To try – this time for real.

To get up and heal.
To face your fears and smile.
To cry your hot tears and then dive into your day.

To finally start living the live that you haven’t even dared to dream of.
To think about
in years.

To kill the lingering fears,
the thoughts of revenge,
the desires to just stay stuck.

And instead
fully embrace the magnificence that is creeping to the surface –
this time not allowing you to interrupt,
to push down,
to numb.

Give it a chance.
Give it a go.

Give yourself the promise that, yes, another chance, this one is what you deserve.
It’s what you’ve been waiting for.
It’s what you’v been wanting to do all along.

Remember that it’ll be the road less traveled.
It’ll be a long one.

You’ll skip.
You’ll fall.

And every single time, you WILL get back up.
You WILL brush the pain aside and you will face another day of fears, of tears, of LIFE rushing through your veins.

You’ll be happy.
You’ll be sad.

You’ll be hopeful.
You’ll feel doomed.

But – and this is the glorious part – you will feel.
You will live.
You will make memories of more than losing weight and gaining it back.

And that is what you want, no?
That is what your soul is yearning for?
What your heart has been asking for all along.

Give it to yourself, won’t you?

It’s time to stop pretending
that you like the reality that you have created for yourself.

It’s time to stop pretending
that you want to live like this for another second longer.

It’s time to stop pretending
that being thin is what you really, really, really want.

Be honest, don’t you think that you owe it to yourself?

There’s magic in your eyes.
There’s vibrance underneath your skin.
There’s glory in your soul.
There’s healing in your essence, heaven in your heart, tenderness in your bones and greatness in your fat.

There’s sweetness in your smile.
There’s power in your feet.
There’s wisdom in your gut, honey on your lips and wonder veins.

There’s everything you’re chasing.
Everything and more.

Go back to that.
Go back to who you’ve been before you thought that the awe of the universe was hiding behind a body that was never meant to be.
Go back to the spectacle that you once knew you were.

Simply release the layers of fear.
Let them go and walk away

to a life that shouldn’t ever have a could’ve been.

To a life that was always meant to be an is.

Tic tac.
Tic tac.
Tic tac.

Your life is here,
knocking on your day,
waiting for you to open it.

Get up and run –
no looking back –
to the present, not the future, that will blow your freaking mind.


P.S. It IS happening. The monthly price for the TRIBE is going up at the end of this week – from $24 to $49 a month. It’s still a bargain for everything that you get but if you want to lock yourself in for the $24 a month fee for LIFE, then it’s time to sign up.

This month, we’re focusing on WEIGHT and all that is related to it: beliefs, emotions, shame, guilt, fear, judgments by others, experiences of the past, etc.

To remind you, here’s what you get if you join the Tribe (on top of the monthly themes!)

Worksheets, videos and trainings on the following themes:

👑 Princess or Queen? And how these archetypes relate to body image and food
👑 Overeating, Dieting and Binging – The core healing strategies to get out of diet prison
👑 Unbelieving and finding your core
👑 The best practices to build resilience around media messages and our diet culture
👑 Self-Compassion trumps Self-Esteem: Practices to give yourself kindness and care
👑 Feminine & Masculine Energies and how to use them to your advantage
✍ My personal self-care strategies and exactly what I do to stay confident and in love with my body without falling back into the dieting trap
✍ A brand sparking new Journaling 101 eBook!
🔔 Meditations and other audio messages.
📽 Weekly EFT Videos and scripts.
📽 Weekly Q&As and so much more!

What are you waiting for? Join the TRIBE now!

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