

For most of my life, I’ve hated my body.

I grew up wishing to be skinnier, wanting to look like Britney Spears, with toned abs and a perfect butt. I longed to have upper arms like Heidi Klum and long legs like Giselle Bundchen. All in all, I wanted to be everyone but me: a sweet German kid with short legs, a short body and a round face.

My super unhealthy body image led me to many diets, a ruined youth and an eating disorder that almost took my life.

Unfortunately, I’m far from alone in my desire to look differently as we live in a world where women of all ages feel dissatisfied with their bodies, at best, and truly hate their bodies, at worst.

Over the years, I’ve learned to slowly accept my body and ultimately love her deeply and unconditionally. I’ve learned to see her as my biggest ally and closest companion instead of a thing that I needed to shape and mold in order to look acceptable, belong and adhere to the crazy beauty ideals of our times.

Yet, when I look around, I see women suffering deeply: they hop from one diet to the next, talk about their bodies ALL THE TIME and are so darn insecure about the skin they’re in. This is why I’m so passionate about the work I do and I strongly believe that our culture, our world needs us women to heal ourselves in order for everyone else to heal.

I’m blessed to work with women who are committed to leaving the dieting and body shaming world behind and enter into a universe of self-trust and self-acceptance, finding a life that feels differently on the inside and makes them happier than ever before.

My work as a body image and self-love coach has also given me the privilege to connect with other wonderful women who are on the same mission as I am: helping women see their true beauty – no matter the shape of their butts and thighs.

In this little e-Book, 9 women share their stories of finding body-acceptance in a world that makes it oh so hard for us women to connect with our bodies on a deeper level.

Nonetheless, body-acceptance is possible and I hope that you’ll find these stories encouraging and motivating on your own journey to body-love.

Download the eBook here: A Guide to Body-Acceptance- Real-Life Stories About Making Peace With The Body You Have

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