It’s January 1st, the day millions of people start a new diet.

It’s January 1st, the day where new dreams are being born: dreams of eternal thinness, leading to bliss, wealth, love and more; dreams born out of the fear that you are not good enough as you are right now.

It’s January 1st, the day that millions of people begin another round of blaming and shaming, of feeling guilty, of feeling bad, less than, not up to par.

It’s January 1st and I implore you to not start a diet today.

Here’s what’ll happen if you do: you’ll quit within a few weeks. You’ll feel like a failure. You’ll hate yourself even more. You’ll gain all the weight back and you’ll put on even more pounds because you won’t be able to stop binging after all the restriction you’ve done for so long. You’ll have picked up insane eating habits and it’ll take you years to undo the damage.

I know this sounds dire but hear me out.

Instead of starting a diet today, how about committing to finding that love for yourself and your body that you seem to have lost? How about committing to healing the thoughts making you believe that your body needs to change so drastically? How about committing to digging deep and figuring out why you cannot stop binging, why you always think about food, why you are obsessive about your body in the first place?

How about committing to being a happy and healthy person instead of reducing your size to a made up number that’ll supposedly give you all you ever need?

How about actually changing your life, so that food doesn’t have to be the most important thing anymore?

How about learning real coping skills, so that you don’t have to eat buckets of food when life gets rough?

How about figuring out what it is that triggers you into hours of compulsive eating and keeps you from giving your body what it truly needs?

How about allowing your body to communicate with you again?

How about listening?

Focus on your happiness in life as the size of your body will not give you the happiness that you are looking for.

Disrupt your pattern and do anything but start a diet today.

When the world around you talks about counting calories, following meal plans, buying new diet books, cutting out entire food groups, going on detoxes and fasts, stand your ground and proudly share that you are beginning to love your body today.

When the world around you tries to tell you that you are not right the way you are, stand your ground and tell them that it is none of their business and that only you have the power to decide what is right for you.

When the world around you starts a diet, stand your ground and do not follow the herd.

Instead, move towards love and respect.

Are you ready to make peace with food, your body and yourself? Like truly, really, no doubts about your self-worth and wholeness?

Send me a message at and we’ll find a time to talk. 

Don’t wait until it “feels” right, don’t wait until the stars align. They never will. ​​​​​​​

Take a leap and let’s chat. Your life is waiting for you.

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