You do not have to earn your food

You do not have to be “good” for five days in order to eat that slice of cake or that bite of a donut. You do not have to punish yourself with a long workout because you had “too much” to eat. You do not have to place your worthiness as a human...

My Top 10 Experiences of 2018

When we remember we are all mad,  the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.  Mark Twain We made it. We may have gone mad. But we made it. Another trip around the sun, another year behind us, 365 sunrises that gave us a brand new chance to be who we’ve...

Invited for dinner? How to NOT freak out!

You’re in your routine. You’re eating regular meals. Maybe you’re still restricting, maybe not. But all is going well, until you receive a message asking you to join friends for dinner in a couple of days. In an instant, you freak out. Your mind immediately starts to...

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