You haven’t even uncovered a tenth of it.
Underneath your fears, your destructive habits, the voices of the past, there is a treasure box of intuitive genius that is yet to be unearthed.

And just imagine who you could be, how you could shine, vibe and what you could create if you were to open a channel to this source of power and wisdom?

What if you began to walk into your ring of fire in order to burn those limiting decisions and belittling WRONG beliefs to the ground?

Lovingly, of course.
Gently, naturally.

What if you allowed yourself to cut the ties to your programming and opened yourself up to a whole new neurology?

Because you got it in you.

It’s there. NOW.

Your potential is infinite. It’s breath-taking, it’s out of this world… and not.

You are YOU.

Tremendously insightful, fierce and BOLD.

No, you haven’t even scratched the surface of your potential.

You haven’t even begun to feel the abundance of your life force and the wealth of your joy.

You haven’t even started to embrace your full Goddess, your Feminine Power, your delightful sensitivity.

You’ve buried it all underneath the layers of “I can’ts”, “I shouldn’ts”, “I’m scareds”.

You’ve laid your potential to rest before you even gave her a chance to thrive.

And I get it, you’re scared, you’re all over the place, questioning everything, mostly yourself.

But, sensual being, you are here to go big, inside or out, whatever feels right, is right, is YOU – go all in.

Live into it.
Feel into it.

Breathe your vision into this world – and get ready for it being so much bigger than your wildest dreams.

Because, babe, you haven’t even touched your genius yet.

Yes, it’ll only get better from here on out.

Let this be the moment that defines the next steps for your life, for your Self, for your dreams.

Get up, dance, shake off all those fears and get freaking excited about the ride of your life. 💖

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