The stuff you come up with when you have unscheduled time

As a child, the best weekends were those rare ones when I didn’t have to do anything.

I looooooved the potential that 2,5 fully unscheduled, unplanned, and unstructured days promised.
So much freedom, time, and opportunities to just be me, read, write, dance, listen to music, create, and manifest whatever I wanted.

I cannot remember being bored. Ever.
Quite the opposite; there were so many projects to birth that the weekends would fly by.

Today, I still feel the same way. The best weekends are those when I can be lazy and don’t have to do anything, be anyone, or go anywhere. This, to me, is pure heaven.

This is where the magic happens.

Sometimes, the comments of others do cast a shadow over these weekends. I catch whispers questioning the value of being “planless,” suggesting that it might be OK to be lazy when single but with a kid!? The poor boy must be missing out on so much, becoming weird, a loner, an outsider.

But here’s the truth: my son cherishes these weekends as much as I do.

Not getting dressed for a day? A dream.
Not having to leave the house? Pure bliss.
Not having to adhere to any schedule or be somewhere at a specific time? What could be better?!

The beauty of these unscheduled weekends lies in the simplicity of it all. It’s a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, to shed the responsibilities and obligations that often weigh us down.

In a world that constantly demands our attention and pulls us in different directions, these weekends are a magical sanctuary where we can recharge and reconnect with ourselves.

For me and my son, these weekends are a chance to create our little world, a cocoon of comfort and relaxation. We revel in the luxury of pajamas, cozy blankets, and unhurried mornings. It’s a time to indulge in our favorite hobbies, immerse ourselves in books, movies, or hours of card games, and enjoy each other’s company.

The Value of Being Lazy

These weekends teach us the value of slowing down and appreciating the present moment. We are not bound by the constraints of time or external expectations. We are free to follow our own rhythms and whims, let go of productivity, and allow ourselves to be.

There is immense joy in finding contentment in the simplicity of a lazy weekend. It’s a reminder that happiness doesn’t always lie in grand plans or adventures (although I looooove those as you know). Sometimes, happiness can be found in the quiet corners of our homes, in the comfort of familiar surroundings, and in the warmth of loved ones.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we never venture outside to explore. On the contrary, life is a delicate balance, and we appreciate the excitement of going out and embracing the world. But just as important is recognizing when we must step back and embrace the art of doing nothing. So these weekends become a respite, a sanctuary where we can recharge our batteries and revel in life’s simple pleasures.

The Benefits of Doing Nothing

So, the next time someone raises an eyebrow at your choice to spend a lazy weekend at home (even if it’s sunny and gorgeous outside as it is today), remember that it’s not about being unlucky or missing out.

It’s about embracing the beauty of doing nothing, cherishing the moments of stillness or complete chaos, jumping on your bed, running from one corner of the house to the next, and finding happiness in the ordinary.

Are we bored? Of course not!

These weekends are a gift we give ourselves, a reminder that we deserve time to unwind and reconnect with what truly matters.

In a world that often glorifies busyness and constant productivity, it almost feels like a rebellion to have lazy weekends wallowing in the freedom of unstructured time, and I am alllll for it.

Embrace the joy of pajama days, the bliss of staying in, and the peace of letting go of expectations.  After all, these weekends are not just a break from the world; they celebrate the simple pleasures that make life so colorful.

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