When healthy eating meets emotional eating or even bingeing, all hell breaks lose.

After all, emotional eating is the WORST, isn’t it?

One is never supposed to eat emotionally. Where’s the control in that? Where’s the healthy in that? Where’s the diet in that?

But what if emotional eating was normal, the thing to do, totally, utterly healthy?

And what if the need to eat healthy ALL THE TIME actually caused you to eat out of control? Which, to be clear, is NOT emotional eating, but a bingeing experience.

What if all our talk of being what we eat is the reason you eat until you feel sick?

These are just some of the questions that Deb and I answer in the latest episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast. Deb and I share our experiences with Emotional Eating, Healthy Eating and Bingeing and why one of those three is more dangerous than the others. We also talk about fat shaming, stigma and why children need to be our role models.

Your relationship with your body and with food can change!

You might be thinking that your situation is hopeless, that you’ll always have to fight your body, log calories, exercise your body to the ground, stay hungry and unsatisfied.

You might be thinking that you’re the exception, that you’re different than those who did break free.

However, those thoughts aren’t true.

Your relationship with food and your body can change. It will change if you take the right steps, if you learn the right skills and if you transform your mindset – lovingly, of course.

It might not happen overnight, but it can happen for sure.

Join me in the Body-Love Wellness Circles and create a new life for yourself: annesophie.us/bodylovecircles

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