Is one of your core beliefs that you have to be on a diet all day
every day
for the rest of your life
just to look kinda “normal”?

To not be “too much”?

To not have to be ashamed of your body?

Is one of your core truths that you have to restrict
all day
every day,
just to fit into that certain pair of jeans?

To not have to go up a size every other week?

To not have to count new fat rolls every month?

Is one of your core convictions that you just cannot
relax around food
as it’ll end in a drama if you do?

Have you been waiting all of your life
to not have SUCH a big
freaking appetite?

In fact,
have you been fighting your appetite
all of your life?

Have you been yearning all of your life
to not be freaked out by food?

Have you been telling yourself that you are anything but normal?
That the “rules” that others can live by just do not
have not
will never
apply to you?

That your hunger is unreal and has to be tamed at all cost?
That your metabolism is too slow and therefore you just can’t eat until your body is satisfied – like ever?

Have you ever NOT been hungry?
Or SO stuffed that you couldn’t breathe anymore?

Because… we all know.. that no diet can be sustained for too long and that eventually you WILL binge your mind off, right?

Has your entire life experience shown you that you can’t but be at war with your body
as you just don’t feel right/look right/are right when you surrender and put the boxing gloves down?

The thing is that you are creating your own prison.
A prison you do not have to live in.

No, you really don’t.

It may feel like you do…

… because of society, of “them”, of “her”, of whatever it is you’re telling yourself…

But all of that,
it doesn’t really matter.

YOU have the power to make your own decisions and live in the most powerful version of your body and yourself.

YOU are what matters.

YOU are the one how can reclaim her freedom.

And once you do,
you may realize the astounding power you’ve had all along.

You DO have the power to change your metabolism as, yes, it may have slowed down over the years because of dieting, because of your painful thoughts and beliefs, because of the restrictive habits you’ve picked up from dieting books and such.

There’s tremendous research showing the connection between what we think and feel and the chemistry of the body.

When you eat the most delicious food but you judge the heck out of yourself for eating it, you WILL end up reducing the effectiveness of your metabolism.

Your beliefs, the beliefs that the diet industry and influencers in your life have installed in your mind, have created the body effect that you were trying to avoid.

And of course there’s more to it
as those “truths” about your body are built on extreme fears that are based on bias and bullying.

You see,

Digestion begins in the head.

Your body’s experience of the taste, aroma, satisfaction, visuals, and overall pleasure of a meal makes a difference in how you assimilate, how you break down, how you metabolize.

Fast eating, eating with guilt and shame, chronic dieting, locks your body into a severe stress response, which dramatically decreases your digestion and calorie burning ability.

Interesting, huh?

You thought that as long as you restrict, as long as you bully yourself for eating what you “shouldn’t” be eating, you were doing taking care of yourself, maybe even your health, but you were actually really hurting yourself.

Isn’t it interesting that all those great diet books never talk about THAT when they tell you to BAN certain kinds of foods because they’re BAAAAAD?!

They don’t tell you that your mood and the way you feel about the food you eat, the body you have, can dramatically impact your digestion, diminishing it when you feel anxious about not “doing it right”.

There are a myriad of things that happen when you are in a stress response and hardly any of them work in your favor (unless you’re being chased by a lion and have to mobilize ALL of your energy to RUUUUUUUN, but who is, really?).

Marc David says it best: “Worrying about fat increases fat. Anxiety about weight loss causes your body to put fat on and retain it.”

So, take a deep, looooong breath and begin to dissect everything you’ve always known about your body and how she responds to food.

Throw away allll the facts you’ve picked up in fad diet books and blogs and begin to relax into your body and life again.

Begin to listen, truly hear, what your body is telling you.
Begin to eat when you eat again.

Yes, it the dessert.
Yes, it the “bad” food.
Yes, it it all.

And yes, pay attention to what’s going in your body, how your metabolism changes when you begin to stop being so darn anxious about what you eat at all times.

You may just find that being a relaxed eater is FUN,
that not being on a diet is LIFE changing,
that throwing out all diet books is truly HEALTHIER for you than any diet has ever been.

That you are SO much more than the lies you’ve been telling yourself about your body all the time.

Yes, during this process you will positively impact your metabolism (how COOL), but more importantly, you’ll positively impact your LIFE.

And you’ll finally accept your body as “the one”, YOUR one.

Until the end of time.

Until you KNOW that you know that you know that you do not have to be on a diet for the rest of your life to be “normal” and that “normal” is whatever your body decides is best for her, for YOU.

Fall HARD into this new life of non-restriction and body-acceptance.
Fall HARD into this lifestyle of rejecting diet culture.
Fall FAST and embrace your appetite as the powerful indicator of your life force that it is.
Fall FAST and take on this journey that’ll actually restore your health again.

Fall as long as you need to fall.

And don’t forget to enjoy the freaking ride. <3

P.S. Are you ready to make peace with food, your body and yourself? Like truly, really, no doubts about your self-worth and wholeness? Ready to restore your metabolism and allow your body to work as efficiently as she wants to and can?

Visit and choose a time for us to talk.

Don’t wait until 2020, don’t wait until it “feels” right, don’t wait until the stars align. They never will. ​​​​​​​

Take a leap and let’s chat. Your life is waiting for you.

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