Is your Body-Love Conditional?

Let’s talk about UN-conditional love, shall we? Most of us have love our body – WHEN it look a certain way. We PROMISE ourselves that we’ll be SO happy with ourselves and our body once we lose the weight, stop the binging, heal the overeating.   We...

No "cheat" days, no "cheat" meals

PLEASE stop the cheat meal crap. There ARE no cheat meals and there’ll never be cheat days. First of all, yes, everything you eat counts.   Second, that is NOT a bad thing.   The thing is that you only need cheat days if you have rules.   You can only break those...

6 Imperatives on Your Path to Body-Confidence

Committing to body-confidence, real, honest, trusting body-confidence takes the willingness to not only question your long-held beliefs but also a dedication to eradicating patterns and behaviors that seem normal now but can’t be considered normal anymore....

From Overexercising to Body-Confidence

When I was a little girl I began to believe I was a klutz. My father frequently told me this, others compared me to my sister who was apparently “coordinated”, and of course, good old Ma Martin in gym class did not do much to counter my ideas about my physical...

The Woman in the Window

By Lisa Newman The side street lured me with its quaint cobblestone, flickering lamps, and ancient buildings. “It’s a shortcut,” I told my teenage son, pointing to the map as I stepped forward. It was my first day in Amsterdam without a knowledgeable guide, and I was...

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