
How do we keep our big vision alive amidst the whirlwind of daily life?

There’s homework, piano lessons, ‘did you study for this test yet?’ conversations. There are deadlines, brilliant ideas that want to be written down, products that need to be created, houses that need to be cleaned, fights that need to be broken up, meals that need to be prepped… and we only have 24 hours in the day. It’s, well, challenging, sometimes even frustrating, especially when we’re juggling our personal lives with our huge professional aspirations.

In today’s episode of Boldly Magnificent, I’ll share five questions that will keep you clear, grounded, and focused on your goals. These are straightforward, actionable prompts to ensure that you’re moving in the right direction, both as a mom and as an individual with your own desires.

Let’s dive in and figure out how we can make our dreams a reality while still being there for every “Mooooommmmmyyyy, I can’t find my XYZ!?!”, every goodnight kiss, and every soccer game. (Or, well, maybe almost every one of those…)

Daily Reflections to Stay Aligned with Your Vision

How does today’s agenda align with my long-term vision?
Every day is a building block towards your bigger dreams. It’s important to ensure that the actions you take and the choices you make today resonate with your big dreams. Focus on those turtle steps, and you’ll be living your ideal life sooner than you might believe.

Am I modeling the values and principles I wish to instill in my children?
Our children are watching us. All. The. Time. And they learn sooooo much more from what they see us do than what we tell them. As a visionary mom, you’re shaping your future and laying the foundation for your children’s internal world. Reflect on whether your actions and decisions are aligned with the future you want them to live into.

What can I delegate or let go of to focus on my vision?
We need to delegate A LOT in order to make space for what truly matters. Ask yourself which tasks or responsibilities can be shared, outsourced, or even set aside so you can concentrate on your bigger goals.

How am I nurturing my own growth and well-being?

Visionary dreams require a visionary mind and spirit. This means continuously learning, evolving, and caring for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Reflect on the steps to nurture yourself, whether reading a book, attending a seminar, practicing meditation, or simply getting enough rest.

Have I created space for inspiration today?
We all know that some of the most amazing ideas and opportunities come while you’re in the shower or doing other mindless tasks. Allow yourself moments of spontaneity to explore a new hobby, take a different route home, or daydream. These moments can ignite creativity and give you the spark you just may need to ship your next idea.

Now, add these questions to your journaling routine, put them on a sticky note on your fridge, or ask Siri to set a daily reminder to check in and see if you’re still aligned. Done? Perfect. Let’s go and make our dreams come true – one step at a time.

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