UnravelingI’m unraveling.

The last 3 weeks have been … fucking hard.

I’ve been hitting rock bottom (again) and have been struggling to stay afloat more often than not.

It’s ridiculous when you look at the “facts” of what happened in the last couple of weeks:

One of my articles has been published on the Huffington Post, I’ve been named one of the Top 100 Blogs in 2012 and one of the Top 25 Eating Disorder Blogs, have published a new book and launched a new program.

I’m living my dream in NYC and will start a great new journey as a student of the Good Life Project.

Yet, somehow, I’m sad, depressed and my eating disorder has been more aggressive than in months: I’ve binged endlessly, gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time and, as you will know, have hardly been able to come to terms with that.

The fact that my pants don’t fit anymore is obviously close to a death sentence for my dark passenger aka. Annerexia.

But there’s an even more disconcerting thought that keeps haunting me:

am I a fraud?

Here I am teaching body-love and self-love and while I’m miles ahead of where I was when I started blogging 2 years ago, I’m still struggling – so much.

Don’t get me wrong; on most days,I love my body, I care for it so deeply and I respect it wholeheartedly.

I give it the exercise it deserves and have not overexercised in 2 years (how awesome is THAT?!), but in the last 3 weeks, I’ve been eating without tasting, stuffing without stopping until I felt so sick I could hardly breathe.

I haven’t purged, which is the most important thing, I guess, but I’m still wondering – am I credible to teach if I’m not completely healed, not at a point where I’ve got it all together and completely figured it out?

A little flashback

My recovery started about 2 years ago and the life I live today cannot be compared to the life I lived back then. I’m not waking up dreading every day, hating myself and the world. I’m not on the brink of dying and not feeling like I’m going to faint any moment.

No. Today, I’m strong, I’m energetic and I’m happy and full of life.

I’m proud of myself and what I have achieved in those 2 short years. I’m proud of having built a great platform and I’m honored to have such a great number of readers, friends and supporters.

I’m good.

Or so I thought.

Until I started reading May Cause Miracles.

And that’s where it all went downhill.

I started to dig deeper again, opened up old wounds. I started to uncover that 2 years into recovery, I was still placing a lot of my self-worth on my body and how toned it was or wasn’t. I was still comparing myself to thinner women. I was still jealous, oh so very jealous and I was still scared.

Scared of not being taken seriously. Scared of not being worthy. Scared of being laughed at when I would truly let go and slowly grow into a body that is uniquely mine without looking left or right and without needing the approval of you, her or him. 

These horrendously false beliefs didn’t prevent me from living fully and they didn’t keep me locked in my anorexia.

I was going strong with them, but now I know that they were still haunting me – subconsciously, subtly – and preventing me from doing the world-changing work I strongly believe I’m meant to do.

So here I sit realizing that I’m still sitting in a bucket of fear. 

I’m still scared

I’m scared that my art is not good enough.

I’m still terrified that if everything is stripped away and I’m standing there without my “looks”, my skinny body, I’m not enough.

Some tiny part of me is still holding on to the false belief that I may need my skinny body, my controlled mind one day because I won’t have success in the important areas of life.

And this tiny part of me has been blown up in the last few weeks.

Maybe I needed to gain that weight to have even more energy and do more work.

Maybe I needed to give in to all of my ice-cream and peanut butter cravings just to prove a point to myself.

Or maybe I needed to overcome this one last hurdle and throw away this false safety net for good.

And surely I needed to realize that I, Anne-Sophie, am good enough, no matter what.

Here I am – baring it all. 

Am I a fraud?

No, I’m a teacher who is continually learning.

Will I ever arrive?

No, and I’m glad I won’t.

Life isn’t perfect, it never is.

It’s up to us to meet the challenges we’re given, unravel for a while but get up again – slowly, gently and stronger than ever before.

Yes, I’m unraveling. 

But I trust that this is healing, this is life. 

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