Why Intuitive Eating is BS

In a way, the intuitive eating hype has replaced the dieting hype for many people. What started as a really great approach ended up as just another way to look for weight loss solutions. Instead of counting calories, many people now obsess over only eating when...

Weight Gain and the Fear of Being Judged

Whenever you gain weight, there’s this fear that others will judge you. It’s almost worse than the weight gain itself. One of the first thoughts after realizing that your pants don’t really fit anymore is: Oh man, what will X,Y,Z think? They’ll...

Just Perfect: Hanne Arts

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a girl named Hanne Arts who had just published her first novel and asked me to add it to my resource list for girls fighting anorexia. When I heard about Hanne’s story, I instantly wanted to interview here and I’m...

When You're Being Hated for Who You Are

Let’s be real: just like not everyone in this world is going to think you’re beautiful, not everyone on this planet is going to like you. There’ll be lots of people who love you, there’ll be people who won’t care about you,...

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