Bodies are weird

Bodies are weird. They do things we aren’t very excited about, like farting and getting sore when we’re doing fun stuff and extruding…substances. Often times, these are sources of shame and embarrassment, silly as it is. We worry about allowing people to get too...

The Morality of Food

One thing I hear over and over and over again is “I’ve been good this week” or “I’ve binged on bad foods and feel disgusted with myself.” This drives me nuts as there are neither good nor bad foods. A piece of pie doesn’t suddenly grow devil horns and tell...

What’s your body religion?

All of us carry around certain beliefs about our body. Most of them are: I need to be thin to be loved. A bigger body is an unhealthy body.  I need to be slender to be beautiful.  I’m ugly because I have fat.  If I stop dieting, my body will explode.  My body...

What to Do When You Can’t Stop Comparing Your Body to Others

Deb and I talk about the comparison trap and how to heal the need to constantly measure your body against the bodies of others. We share the best ways to let go of envy and jealousy without shame or guilt.

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