From the very beginning of following a diet, you begin to distrust your internal cues for hunger and fullness.

You lose that natural and completely easy connection to some of your body’s most instinctive processes by beginning to rely on external sources telling you when, how much and what to eat.

The longer you diet the more you begin to shame your body for even “speaking up” when she needs you to nourish her and actually giving her what she’s asking for is totally out of the question.

And once you’re ready to break that abusive way of living, you often realize that you’ve forgotten what it’s like to feel hunger, respond to hunger in an appropriate way (aka. eating) and when it’s time for you to stop.

Of course, there’s never the perfect moment (ever!) to put the fork down, but your body does send you signals letting you when you’ve had enough.

You can re-learn to honor your body’s satiety signals by simply paying attention to your body again. You can stop – easily – when you’ve had enough to eat, even if you’ve been dieting for decades.

I know that that’s a scary process for many dieters who feel like they can either restrict or have a full-on binge and that’s why we talk about feeling your fullness in this week’s episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast.

Hunger is super natural and no matter your weight, you are allowed to meet your body’s needs for nourishment – without shame, without guilt, without worrying about what it will do to your body shape.

You get to eat what you crave! In fact, you have to if you want to live your life instead of living your diet.

Listen to this episode to find out how you can respect your body and your fullness again.

Ready to change your relationship with your body and yourself?

Join the Body-Love Wellness Circles – starting April 29th!

  • work on your relationship with your body
  • dig deep into the reasons you’re holding on to body-hatred
  • clear the path for a life of true freedom
  • let go of the beliefs you’re holding on to about yourself, your body and food
  • create a life that is true to what you actually want
  • learn to live without dieting
  • experience your body again
  • learn stop your dependance on sugar and food
  • find ease in your body and comfort in your skin
  • learn to stop thinking about food all the time
  • and SO much more!

To learn more and to join us, click here.


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