When dieting is the only thing you know
that you know
that you know
will heal your broken heart…

When dieting is the only way out
of your current life
your pain
your fear
your guilt
and shame…

When dieting is the end-all-be-all plan to make your dreams come true…

it’s time to re-think your life;
it’s time to re-evaluate your beliefs;
it’s time to re-gain your true sense of self.

When dieting is the only strategy you know to run away from what you’re not willing to face…

When dieting is the one-way street you’ve been walking on for decades,
knowing that you’ve headed down the wrong path
but unable
to change direction…

When dieting IS your life
and everything else –
your family, your joy, your work, your kids, your marriage, your friends –
come second…

Chased by the desire to be thin.
Haunted by this dream
that HAS TO come true once.
Tormented by the never-ending stream of shaming thoughts….

It’s time to STOP.

Turn around
and make a drastic change in your life.

Not in 10 years –
after you’ve tried 20 more diets.

Not in 758 days –
when you might feel ready.

Not when it’s DEFINITELY been proven that
diets DO NOT WORK.

T O D A Y.

Because – guess what –
you may not have 10 more years.

You may not have 758 days.

You may never be around when it’s proven that diets don’t work (I am certain none of us will because it’s been proven for years and years and years and yet we don’t believe it, do we?).

Would it be worth it to you to know that you’ve wasted decades knowing what you know on more dieting, on more shaming, on more unnecessary pain?

No, I’m not guilt-tripping you into giving up your dreams.

I am only showing you reality.

This is REAL.

Unlike the promise of weight loss and diets.

This is TRUE.

Unlike the dreamy idea that dieting will heal your broken heart,
or help in mourning your parent,
or save your marriage,
or give you a raise,
or fix your self-esteem.

And you know the truth, don’t you?
You’ve known it for a while, haven’t you?

You are changing,
you are transforming,
you are healing, aren’t you?

And yet, there’s the desperate part of you that holds on to dieting –
the dream you’ve harbored for so so so long.

You can’t give it up.
You can’t just
walk away.

After decades.

How could you?

After all, this dream,
this vision,
this desire
has been with you since you were a little girl.

The picture of you being thin has carried you through your youth, your early twenties,
the days when it’s been hard,
the post partum times,
the moments when life fell into pieces.

This dream that one day,
one day soon,
you WILL be thin
and then,
and then it will finally be easy.

You will finally be beautiful.
You will be looked up to.
You will be the one others speak of in awe.

You will look in the mirror and be THRILLED with what you see.
You will be who you’ve always known you could be.

Except, no.
You can’t.

Except, yes.
You can.

No, you can’t – and won’t –
be thin by dieting and shaming and hurting and restraining and torturing yourself.
Your body is probably not made up to be thin.

Simple as that.

She will do everything in order to protect you from this unwanted state of thinness that she just doesn’t thrive on.

And yes, you can – and will –
you be who you’ve always known you could be.

You CAN look in the mirror and love what you see.
You CAN unleash your full potential and live the life you have always wanted to live.


It takes a shift in focus.
Away from body obsession.
Away from thinness as a sign of mastery, of specialness, of hope.

Towards living LIFE.
Towards JOY.
Towards MORE quality of life.

Something you won’t have if your sole focus is on being THIN.

And that is what you want, no?
What you really, really, really want, right?

Or DO you want to be thin – no matter what?
Is that it?

If so, you CAN have that.

Just give up your life.
Join a gym.
Don’t eat.
Don’t go out unless you don’t eat.
Be a slave to your scale.
Get a stationary bike or something else to workout at home, after 4 hours in the gym.
Never listen to your body.
Never “give in” to your appetite (your body is so darn stupid anyway, right?).
Never enjoy yourself.
And just stop living and opt for existing.

There, that’s it. The formula to being thin for life.

You may also want to abuse some drugs. I’ve certainly done it.
Take some laxatives that make you have diarrhea and almost poop in your pants whenever you leave your home.
Take some “fat-extracting” pills that make you “eliminate” liquid fat – in the car (because you just can’t hold it in anymore).
Take speed or any of the other weight loss drugs out there – because being thin is more important than not being dependant on drugs, right?

Oh the joys of being thin when your body isn’t made out for it.

So, what can you do instead?

Begin to listen to your body again.
Check in to create harmony between your body’s cues and your actions.
Move with JOY.
Look for sources of STRESS and reduce those to a minimum (the ONLY way to lose weight (maybe) that has accumulated because of the effects of stress – I’ll write about it in another post).
Heal, heal, heal whatever open wound you’re carrying with you.

Begin with those and you’re well on your way back to sanity and self-centeredness.
Begin with these steps and you’re going to have a life worth living.
Take action and you’re going to realize how great life can actually be; how free you can be without that torment that having to be thin creates inside.

Yeah, maybe your only dream in life was/is to be thin.
Yeah, it may hurt to even think about letting go of it.
And yeah, it’s totally possible to do just that!

P.S. Are you ready to make peace with food, your body and yourself? Like truly, really, no doubts about your self-worth and wholeness?

Visit meetme.so/Anne-SophieReinhardt and choose a time for us to talk.

Don’t wait until the New Year, don’t wait until it “feels” right, don’t wait until the stars align. They never will. ​​​​​​​

Take a leap and let’s chat. Your life is waiting for you.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

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