Why Chronic Dieting Will NEVER Work

Have you been committed to struggling for a long, long time?Have you hopped from one diet to the next, trying every new slimming drink and weight loss pill on the market? Have you been denying your body and yourself everything you desire but you still don’t lose...

The Balance between Healing and Real Life – Does it Exist?

Listen to this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast to hear more stories about how we’re trying to find the balance of healing and life and how you can do the same. We share strategies and proven tools in order to make it through those tough times of opening wounds and not completely falling apart

Weight Gain and the Fear of Being Judged

Whenever you gain weight, there’s this fear that others will judge you. It’s almost worse than the weight gain itself. One of the first thoughts after realizing that your pants don’t really fit anymore is: Oh man, what will X,Y,Z think? They’ll...

The Gift of Our Compulsions with Mary O’Malley

Today, I am delighted to share an interview with one of my greatest teachers and inspirations: Mary O’Malley. Mary is an author, counselor and awakening mentor in Kirkland, Washington. In the early 1970’s, a powerful awakening led Mary to begin changing her...

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