Triggered by HER Weight Loss

Let’s say there’s a female person in your life. Could be a friend, a co-worker, your mom, sister or girlfriend. Let’s say that female person loses weight. And it triggers the crap out of you. You can’t stop looking at her. You can’t stop...

When you begin to lose hope

This road to freedom from bingeing, overeating or compulsive eating can feel sooo tricky to navigate. It’s easy to lose hope… when you’ve done everything “right” when you’ve used all the tools you’ve been taught when...

I’ll go back on a diet… just for a couple of weeks… just to cleanse a bit….

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, I share how easy it is to want to go back on a diet for “health” reasons or to just “feel a bit better” and how you can avoid falling back into these old and painful behaviors.

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