The topic of starting a blog that matters has been very present in my life lately. Obviously, I have two blogs and don’t need to start a brand new one, but the mattering part is still important to me. After all, I want to be massively successful and that can only happen if people actually give a s**t about what I write and do.

It’s not easy to stand out in the blogosphere these days since it is quite crowded, to say the least. Everybody is trying to attract readers, create a community and be a well-known name out there in order to spread his or her message as wide as possible.

In order to find out more about what it takes to start a blog that people care about, I asked Corbett Bar, the founder of Think Traffic and Start a Blog that Matters a few questions on the subject.

Enjoy the interview and check out his course.

Tell us a bit more about yourself. What makes you an expert on the topic of starting a blog that really matters? 

Oh, I’m not expert 🙂 I’m just a guy with three years of experience in blogging and a decade of experience in online marketing. I’ve helped over 1,000 people start new blogs and websites, and several of them have become huge successes. I put together the “start a blog that matters” course to share the formula I use to launch new blogs. So far, about 700 people have joined the course to learn the formula.

What’s the idea behind starting the program of a blog that matters? 

There are hundreds of millions of blogs in existence. Thousands more are started every day. Anyone can start a blog in a matter of minutes, but very few people will start something that makes a difference and attracts a big audience. This course is meant to ensure you’ll be one of the fortunate few.

Can you give us a tiny hint on the secret behind creating a blog that matters? 

There is no single secret. The course focuses on a 13-week series of lessons that leads you from ideation to branding to design to content development to launch and through audience building. The simple steps in each of the lessons lead to success in aggregate. Any one of them alone won’t magically make your blog a success. You have to follow the formula and be willing to put in the work.

Where do you see people struggle most when it comes to growing their audience? 

Most people struggle in creating a project that is noteworthy and worthy of growing an audience. Most people spend too much time focused on their own goals, and not enough time specifically trying to help, inspire and change the lives of their readers.

What message would you send to people who are all alone in the blogosphere and desperate to get more readers? 

Try something different! If what you’re doing isn’t working, you need to experiment wildly. Try different kinds of content. Change your branding. Reach out to other bloggers. Cut out the things that aren’t working and ruthlessly focus on the things that do work.
Thanks a lot, Corbett.

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