Calories are one of the biggest enemies that women face in their lives.

Calories haunt you. They keep you up at night and come to you in the wee hours of the morning. They give you a sense of pride or a feeling of utter shame and desperation. If you listen to some very popular trainers and TV personalities, you can only be at peace with your body if you measure yourself by calories.

40 kcals in, 60 kncals out.

100 kcals in, 200 kcals burnt.

You add, you subtract, you start from scratch  Maybe I’ve forgotten something? Maybe I’ve added up too much. I’m hungry – surely, I must have a few calories left for tonight, no?

What a destructive, yet so common way to live, no?

If you’re anything like me than you know the calorie count of pretty much any food there is. And if you’re completely like me than you’ve ruined your youth by something as ridiculous as a measurement of energy.

Did calorie counting ever help me love myself more?

No, it only created a constant vicious circle of numbers and a dangerous mixture of self-loathing and self-admiring. I was either doing running on a high or being crushed by a low. Never once was I happy when living by the rules of calories.

Calorie counting may be helpful in some circumstances. For example, when you’re dangerously overweight and you need to lose weight FOR YOUR HEALTH. In that instance, calories can lead you back to a path of healthy eating and healthy living.

The dangerous thing about counting calories, however, is that you can’t take it back. Once you know, you know. And once you’re aware, it’s hard to enjoy food for what it is: something that nourishes you.

Food is not just a means of keeping you alive. Food is delicious, food can be creative, food often creates community. Food is part of life and if you link it to something as dead and depressing as calories, you’re taking all the fun out of eating.

A healthy diet has nothing to do with calories, but everything to do with a healthy mindset. Yes, it’s hard to let go of counting calories; especially if you’ve done it for most of your life. It freaks you out because you’re scared of losing control, of endlessly gaining weight and of never ever being able to make peace with your body.

The truth is, however, that if you let go, you’ll gain freedom and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your body and its signals. It’s hard – I won’t lie. Especially the beginnings of not counting calories can be overwhelming, but if you keep on going even if you “mess up”, you’ll soon live free as a bird.

Remember, you’re body is actually pretty smart and it is always on your side! [Click to Tweet]

So, generally speaking, calorie counting is bad and a no-go for a happy and love-filled life.

In the comment section, you can share if you’ve ever counted calories and how you felt doing so; have you gained or lost self-confidence and self-worth by measuring your food intake in such a ridiculous way? Be honest with yourself and really dig deep.

Check out Love Yourself Friday Edition #33 Calorie-Counting: Good or Bad? on Youtube.

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