This week is all about clearing your mind from belittling, nasty thoughts.

I guess I needed to hear this message a lot this week and I know that you’re struggling with this issue too.

The cool thing is that all those negative thoughts, all the ‘not good enough’s’ are nasty, little lies and you can turn them around.

First however, you have to forgive yourself for thinking those thoughts in the first place.

You probably beat yourself up for thinking a bad thought, which causes you to feel even worse.

If you catch yourself doing that this week, then try to simply stop and forgive yourself in that moment. Then move on to change the negative thought into a positive thought:

I love me. I am beautiful. I am enough. 

Think of your mind as a chalkboard: You can easily erase the negative thoughts and write positive ones instead.

If you feel like it, you can add a little dance to your affirming thoughts and make changing your life even more fun.

Believe me, even if it seems incredibly hard at the beginning, your persistence pays off in the end.

You will feel so much more empowered, affirmed, will be lighter, stronger and happier once you learn to stop the negativity going on inside your head.

Give it a chance and see for yourself.

In the comment section below you can share your experience with stopping the nasty thoughts and replacing them with super positive ones. How has your life changed? What have you noticed? How do you feel?

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