Have you ever experienced a miracle?

Do you believe there’s a force out there that can make dreams come true?

Or do you believe this is all just bogus and far from reality?

I used to think in a very rational and scientific way. We were raised without spirituality and while religion was always discussed and my parents encouraged us to form our own beliefs, I have always struggled with this topic. I wanted to believe, was fascinated by tradition and religion, but I never really got into it.

I am still not a believer, but in the last few months I’ve started to realize that there are forces out there that are beyond my rational way of seeing the world. I have started to see that miracles can happen and they do happen every day. I have started to explore a side of me that I never truly dared to touch.

When I boldly wrote about moving to NYC without a visa or a job, I trusted that the universe would help me make my dream come true. And I was right: I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks and I already have a job. Miraculous? I think so.

So, this weekend, give yourself a few moments to sit down and write about the miracles that you want to see in this world. Write them down, read them aloud over and over again and see what’ll happen. Obviously, you’ll have to take action and you’ll have to be bold. Sitting back and waiting for others to act won’t help. But if your min is open, you begin to see miracles popping up everywhere.

Trust me. It happened to me and it can happen to you too.

Check out Love Yourself Friday Edition #13 – Do you Believe in Miracles? on Youtube.

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