We all have those days when we feel bloated, awful and, well, fat. On those days, it doesn’t matter whether we’re wearing a size 2 or a size 12, we feel as big and round as a barrel.

The good thing is that these feelings usually don’t last for too long. The bad thing is that this doesn’t really help us when we’re in the situation. 

Hera are a few tips on how you can stay confident and happy on those days when your jeans feels tight.

Wear bigger clothes

This is kind of obvious, but it’s so often overlooked. We squeeze ourselves in those jeans because ‘they just have to fit’. But why? Nobody is going to notice if you wear a different pair or a bigger one. So, put your skinny jeans aside and instead wear a more comfortable one.

Distract yourself

I know it’s often hard, but if you make a conscious effort to distract your thoughts, you can make it happen. Play word games with friends, tackle your to-do list, empty your email Inbox or clean your house. Whatever helps you to keep your mind off your body is perfect.

Rename the F-Word

What’s really going on with you? Write down 5 to 10 words that describe your emotions right now. Do you feel lonely? Angry? Hurt? Desperate? Happy? Excited? This little exercise will help you come to the bottom of this crappy feeling.

Take a brisk walk

You don’t have to go to the gym and torture yourself to get the benefits of exercise. Taking a brisk walk and mindfully exploring your surroundings helps to clear your mind and boost your mood.

If you’re up for a challenge, here’s a quick ab workout for you that’ll shape your core like never before.

Do an at-home spa day

Treat yourself to a day of nothing but self-care and self-love. Put some music on, take a bath, plug your eyebrows, read, give yourself a manicure and watch your favorite movie. This’ll feed your soul and help you to reconnect with yourself.

Bonus tip: Stay away from your mirror on those days. You’ll only feel worse if you constantly check yourself and your “fat”.

I hope you liked these tips. If you have more, hit reply and share them. I’d love to hear from you.

With love,


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👑 Princess or Queen? And how these archetypes relate to body image and food
👑 Overeating, Dieting and Binging – The core healing strategies to get out of diet prison
👑 Unbelieving and finding your core
👑 The best practices to build resilience around media messages and our diet culture
👑 Self-Compassion trumps Self-Esteem: Practices to give yourself kindness and care
👑 Feminine & Masculine Energies and how to use them to your advantage
✍ My personal self-care strategies and exactly what I do to stay confident and in love with my body without falling back into the dieting trap
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