
What will happen to my life when I start doing nothing?

It will become blissful… Will it?

For a few months now, I’ve been feeling the call to just do nothing for longer periods of time.

It’s not that I’m unhappy. It’s not that I’m overwhelmed. It’s not that I don’t like my work. It’s not that anything is different, but I just have this voice, this tiny voice that speaks so loud that I have to stop doing the things I don’t absolutely adore and instead only choose to do the things that make my heart sing.

That means being with Johann, being really with him instead of thinking about my ever-growing to-do list.

That means coaching. Coaching so much I’ll feel like I’m bathing in a sea of sessions.

That means ALIVE in Berlin.

That means reaching out and spending more time with true friends.

But that also means letting go of a lot of expectations, opportunities and fears.

And that, my loves, scares the crap out of me.

I’m a people pleaser and saying no, possible hurting someone’s feelings is super hard for me. Having emails in my inbox looking at me for days because I can’t get around to answering them makes me feel guiltier than letting Johann scream for two minutes because I have to go to, ahem, to the bathroom.

Can I really dare to offend some people, make them think I’m arrogant because I’m finally putting up barriers that needed to be built a long, long time ago? Can I really stop looking at my email inbox 956 times an hour and instead mindfully choose to do so only once a day? Can I really stop answering all emails I receive from people wanting help (for free) and instead direct them towards my coaching services?

My gut is saying YES.

And not only my gut, but also the universe. Suddenly, I’m hearing messages from all kinds of places: Martha Beck, coaching clients, coaching partners, fellow moms, the radio.

I hear the concept of letting go, of being still, of resting…. and of following your gut even if the “wordly” rewards will have to wait for a while.

However, here’s what I know: The “world” can wait. Especially when your heart is calling you, telling you what you really need right now.

For me, I know I need more time for being coached. I need more time to lead coaching sessions. I need more writing, journaling, being. And. Most. Important. Of. All. I need more Johann.

And not distracted, scattered time with Johann – days upon days of doing nothing but being with my boy. I want to immerse myself in his world, be with him, laugh with him, look at him, play with him, kiss his cute little body all over and hear him giggle when I make silly faces. Right now, I need to be a mom.

I need time to sit down and write pages upon pages upon pages of my own thoughts. I need to sit in meditation for an hour without needing to hurry. I need some time to grow. Grow into the powerful woman I know I am.

I’m not sure if I’m crazy. I probably am.

But I feel hopeful that this is the next step to even more inner peace and guidance.

So, I’m saying it here: October is my month. It’s a month for just myself. It’s a month without obligations and uneccesary mental clutter. It’s a month of Anne-Sophie.

No interviews, no free promotions here at Make Peace with food, your body and yourself, no people pleasing and no more email obsession.

And you know what? Maybe I’ll do it for 2 months. Who knows.

I’m taking the leap. I’m doing what I tell my clients all the time: do the thing that scares you most. {Click to tweet}

And for this girl who kinda defines herself by getting stuff done, doing nothing for longer periods of time is definitely on the list of the scariest things EVER.

Do you ever do nothing? If so, how does it make you feel? What’s your experience with it?

Aaaand, what’s one thing that scares you so much you think you’ll never ever do it? Why?

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