One of the questions I get asked over and over again is what my life looks like now that I truly accept my body.

What has changed since I gave up dieting for good?

Is my life better? Worse? The same?

Is my body totally out of control? Is my appetite insatiable?

Do I binge on chocolate and ice-cream every evening?

Soooo many questions and they’re all valid because behind them is an array of fears, concerns and desires about a life free from the dieting hell.

So, instead of telling you, I thought I’d show you.


The most noticeable effects have been the space of mind, the newfound energy and the freedom to be who I truly want to be.

Words can’t describe how different my days feel now, how different my inner dialogue is and how much more joyful this world seems to be.

I could go on and on and on about all the positive changes that body-acceptance has created in my life, but I don’t want to bore you.

Instead, I want to hear from you: What would change in YOUR life if you accepted your body wholeheartedly? 

Want to feel the way I feel too? Join a group of beautiful women who are ready to finally embrace their bodies and themselves the way they are!


The Body-Love Wellness Circles – starting April 29!

  • work on your relationship with your body
  • dig deep into the reasons you’re holding on to body-hatred
  • clear the path for a life of true freedom
  • let go of the beliefs you’re holding on to about yourself, your body and food
  • create a life that is true to what you actually want
  • learn to live without dieting
  • experience your body again
  • learn stop your dependance on sugar and food
  • find ease in your body and comfort in your skin
  • learn to stop thinking about food all the time
  • and SO much more!

To learn more and to join us, click here.


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