2013-12-09 10.00.34-12013 is rapidly coming to an end.

At this time of the year, most of us reflect on all the good and the bad that has happened in the past 12 months.

A great way of getting more of what you’ve loved this year is practicing deep gratitude for everything that you’ve received.

Instead of simply listing all your accomplishments, wrap them in a blanket of love and gratitude and see how you’re sending a clear message to the universe that yes, you’d love to have more of that in the future. Anchor yourself in these moments, reflect on them and their lessons and feel the gratitude flow through your body.

Find out exactly how to add a kick to your annual review and get everything you want next year in this edition of Love Yourself Friday.

Now it’s your turn. Make some time for yourself, light a few candles, put your favorite music on and bask in the memories of a wonderful year.

Be sure to start your gratitude sentences with: I am grateful for or Thank you, universe for (my favorite) or something similar. 

And once you’re done, tell us what you are MOST GRATEFUL for this year. What delighted your soul, made you grow or simply made you laugh? Share it in the comment section below.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

All my love,


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