
At the end of last year, I began an interesting journey deep into the teachings of A Course in Miracles.

The book – so foreign in its language, so strange to my rational German mind and so not like anything I ever thought I’d read – changed my perspective and with that my life.

I didn’t dive into the A Course in Miracles right away, but started with Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie, then May Cause Miracles and then went on to read Marianne  Williamson’s A Return to Love. To say that this book is filled with nuggets of gold is an understatement. Reading it, I wanted to underline every sentence, savor every word, soak it in and never forget the truth, the wisdom, the comfort and the challenge of it all.

Since reading A Return to Love, I’ve learned a lot about myself, this world, my family and friends. I’ve begun to let go in many areas of my life and I’ve slowly surrendered to, well, the Higher Good.

As a result, I feel free and more than that, I feel relieved; relieved that I don’t have to control everything, relieved that I don’t have to know everything and relieved that I don’t have to do everything on my own.

There’s so much I’d love to say, but I believe you should see if you find truth in the A Course in Miracles teachings for yourself. I encourage you to read the quotes with an open mind, let them soak in instead of pushing the ideas away and just notice if something inside of you responds, if something – even the tiniest thing – connects.

If so, you’re on to a miracle, my love.

Love is God

In order to love purely, we must surrender our old ways of thinking.

Love is energy.

We have bee brought up in a world that does not put love first, and where love is absent, fear sets in.

Only love is real

Anything that isn’t love is an illusion.

The shift from fear to love is a miracle.

Thought is Cause; experience is Effect.

The Ego

The ego is our mental power turned against ourselves.

Holy Spirit

The word “sin” means loveless perception.

The only thing lacking in any situation si our own awareness of love. In asking the Holy Spirit to help us, we are expressing our willingness to perceive a situation differently.

Surrendering a situation to God means surrendering to Him our thoughts about it.

The purpose of life is to grow into our perfection.

Love isn’t love until it’s unconditional.


As surely as a lack of oxygen will kill us, so will a lack of love.


We’ve basically been taught that it’s our job as responsible adults to be active, to be masculine in nature – to go out and get the job, to take control of our lives, tot take the bull by the horns. We’ve been taught that that’s our power. We think we’re powerful because of what we’ve achieved rather than because of what we are.

Personal power results from a balance of masculine and feminine forces.

The right relationship between male and female principle is one in which the feminine surrenders to the masculine. Surrender is not weakness or loss. It is a powerful nonresistance.

Giving up results

Money, sex, power, or any other worldly satisfaction offers just temporary relief for minor existential pain.

“God” means love, and “will” means thought. God’s will, then, is loving thought.

Our only job in every situation is to merely let go of our resistance to love.

“Dear God, my desire, my priority is inner peace. I want the experience of love. I don’t know what would bring that to me. I leave the results of this situation in your hands. I trust your will. May your will be done. Amen.”

The surrendered life

We are meant to shine. Look at small children. They’re all so unique before they start trying to be, because they demonstrate the power of genuine humility.

Love is a win-mode, a successful and attractive vibration.

There is no higher drama than true personal growth.

Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us.

Without the ego, all would be love.


In asking for miracles, we are seeking a practical goal: a return to inner peace.

Our greatest tool for changing the world is our capacity to change our mind about the world.

Living in the present

The only point where eternity meets time is in the present.

Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity upon them.


The purpose of our lives s to give birth to the best which is within us.

But the world will not be saved by another great novel, great movie, or great business venture. It will only be saved by the appearance of great people.

“Miracles are everyone’s right,” says A Course in Miracles.

Cosmic adulthood

Childishness is when we’re so preoccupied with things that ultimately don’t matter, that we lose our essential connection with things that do.

We will learn to love one another, but whether we learn it painfully or peacefully is entirely up to us.


Denying love is the only problem, and embracing it is the only answer.

The Holy encounter

Heaven, according to the Course, is neither a condition nor a place, but rather the “awareness of perfect oneness.”

As we demonstrate love towards others, we learn that we are lovable and we learn how to love more deeply.

We will always learn what we have chosen to teach.

Forgiveness in relationships

Forgiveness is “selective remembering” – a conscious decision to focus on love and let the rest go.

But God doesn’t need us to police the universe. Shaking our finger at someone doesn’t help them change. If anything, our perception of someone’s guilt only keeps them stuck in it.

Forgiveness is the choice to see people as they are now.

Giving up judgement 

But everything that someone does, says the Course, is either love or a call for love.

The choice to love

What we think of as people’s guilt is their fear. All negativity derives from fear.

Pain doesn’t stem from the love we’re denied by others, but rather from the love that we deny them.

That’s why the miracle is a shift in our thinking: the willingness to keep our own heart open, regardless of what’s going on outside us.

Miracle workers, says that Course, are generous out of self-interest. We give someone a break so we can stay in peace with ourselves.

The special relationship

But according to A Course in Miracles, the search for the perfect person to “fix” us is one of our biggest psychic wounds, and one of the ego’s most powerful delusions.

The holy relationship

Spiritual progress is like a detoxification. Things have to coe up in order to be released.

Our egos are not where we are bad but where we are wounded.

Romantic love

There is no Mar. Right because there is no Mr. Wrong. There is whoever is in front of us, and the perfect lessons to be learned from that person.

Partners are meant to have a priestly role in each other’s lives. They are meant to help each other access the highest parts within themselves.

What this signifies is the miraculous power of love to create a context in which people naturally blossom into their highest potential.

Relinquishing fear

In a holy relationship, we consider it part of our commitment to stay current in the honest expression of our feelings, and to support our partner in doing the same. So much is then communicated as we go along that the chances of anger building up inside either of us is lessened.

What we call Jesus’s anger was energy. An outburst of emotion doesn’t have to be so quickly labeled anger.

Miracles arise from total communication given and received.

We often must become painfully aware of the unworkability of a pattern before we’re willing to give it up.

We become perfected personalities by accepting the spiritual perfection which already exists within us.

A spiritual teacher from India once pointed out that there is no such thing as a gray sky. The sky is always blue. Sometimes, however, gray clouds come and cover the blues sky. We then think the sky is gray. It is the same with our minds. We’re always perfect. We can’t not be.

Working on ourselves

Our greatest opportunity to positively affect another person’s life is to accept God’s love in our own.

Closed hearts

When we’re starved, we’re desperate.

If I’m convinced that I’m not good enough, I will have a difficult time accepting someone into my life who thinks I am.

But to the ego, self-acceptance is death.

Healing our wounds

If anger isn’t brought up into conscious awareness, it has no place to go to.

Changing our mind

The Course says that your only problem is that you have forgotten who you are.

You awaken to your own perfection through your desire to see the perfection in someone else.

Through understanding, we are healed.

The effort it takes to grow out of painful patterns often feels more uncomfortable than remaining within them.

Practicing forgiveness

The ego seeks to convince us that forgiveness is a dangerous position that entails an unfair sacrifice on our part.

Communicating love

Since there is only one mind, all of us are telepathically communicating all the time.


When relationships change form, their content need not be diminished.

If we contribute to another person’s pain, it will always come back to haunt us.

Love is not neutral. It takes a stand.

Faith in relationships

It’s not neurotic to grieve a relationship; what’s neurotic is when we don’t.

Forgiving our parents, our friends, ourselves

At a certain point, we forgive because we decide to forgive. Healing occurs in the present, not in the past.

As we love, we shall be released from pain, and as we deny love, we shall remain in pain.

Surrendering our careers

The key to a successful career is realizing that it’s not separate from the rest of your life, but is rather an extension of your most basic self. And your most basic self is love.

God’s will

God does not demand sacrifice. The life of sacrifice is the life we live before we find a higher sense of identity and purpose.

Personal power

Achievement doesn’t come from what we do, but from who we are.

People who profoundly achieve aren’t necessarily people who do so much; they’re people around whom things get done.

Humanity is a group of infinitely powerful creatures.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

New hearts, new jobs

Neither need there be an automatic connection between a lack of credentials and a lack of opportunity.

Our greatest gift to Him is our devotion. From that point of power, doors open. Careers blossom. We heal, and the world around us heals.


When our desire to give instead of get, our core belief is that we have so much abundance, we can afford to give it away. The subconscious mind takes its clues from our core beliefs, and brilliantly manufactures situations that reflect them. Our willingness to give directs the universe to give to us.

God’s plan

1. God’s plan works. 2. Yours doesn’t.

I have heard it said that living out of our vision is more powerful than living out of our circumstance.

A Course in Miracles says that the presence of fear is a sure sing we’re trusting in our own strength.

Sales to service

A person acting from a motivation of contribution and service rises to such a level of moral authority, that worldly success is a natural result.

In God’s world, which is the real world, the more we give, the more we have.

The body’s purpose

In the world of bodies, we are all separate. In the world of spirit, we are all one. We heal the separation between the two by shifting our awareness from body identification to spirit identification.

It is not the body that gets sick, but the mind.

Since our minds do not stop at our brain casings – since there is no place where one mind stops and another starts – then our love touches everyone, and so does our fear.

A healthy perception of our bodies is one in which we surrender them to the Holy Spirit and ask that they be used as instruments through which love is expressed into the world.

The use of the body for any other purpose than the extension of love is diseased thinking. 

Health and healing

We heal the body by remembering that it is not who we really are. [Click to Tweet]

Saving the mind, saving the body

Training our minds to think from a loving, faithful perspective is the greatest boost we can give to our immune systems, and one of the greatest challenges we can pose to our minds.

Illness comes from separation, and healing comes from joining.

The meaning in things is how much we use them to contribute happiness to the world.

Vanity, weight and age

Concentration on the body as an end rather than a means in our perception, breads fear.

There is no way to escape this painful maelstrom without replacing body identification with the memory that we aren’t bodies at all, that who we are is the love inside us, and it is that love alone that determines our value.


The key to happiness is the decision to be happy.

Whatever you focus on, you’re going to get more of. Creation is an extension of thought. Think lack, and you get lack. Think abundance, and you get more.

Our capacity for brilliance

Focus on human potential remains impotent without focus on human capacity.

An adult takes joy in today.

Spiritual practice

Spiritual growth is not about becoming more metaphysically complicated, but rather it is about growing simpler.

Seeing the light

It is not our arrogance but our humility which teaches us that who we are is good enough, and what we have to say is valid.

A person who succeeds in any area is only creating more of a possibility for others to do the same.

Heaven’s gate

The important thing about our past is not what happened, but what we have done with what happened.

Is your heart tugging at you, letting you know that it’s time to step up and shine fiercely?

There’s no better time than today to start loving yourself. The longer you wait, the more of your life you’re missing out on and you know, deep down, that it could be so much better for you.

And that it should be better and you’re ready to start that change now.

Book your discovery session with me here.

Your life is worth it.

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