Most women spent their entire lives living for diets.

Most women never experience what it’s like to be at peace with their bodies.

Most women are extremely disconnected from the wisdom that their bodies’ hold.

Most women want to be free but are too caught up in the dieting world to actually ever believe that they can have a different life.

Most women are miserable when they look in the mirror and feel insecure about their looks all of their lives.

Most women realize too late what a gift their body truly is.

Are you one of those women?

Then this video is for you.

To recap, here’s what you can do to find your way back home to your body.

1. Allow yourself to accept your body

2. Do a daily grounding practice

3. Smash your scale (and show us the pictures!)

4. Tap into the power of using mantras

My favorite mantra is: I am safe in my body. 

Because I am.

What’s your favorite? What calms you down? What inspires you?

5. Practice gratitude

6. Let go of what you think you need to look like

7. Work on your relationship with food.

Now it’s YOUR turn:

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Share it with us to make it real!

Remember that change only happens when you take action. Just wishing and hoping for a better life would get you there. It’s in your hands.

What will you do?

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