Let’s be real, oftentimes we eat because we’re bored.

Or we binge eat because we want to avoid feelings – feelings of loss, pain, excitement and happiness. Whatever the cause, once we have started, it’s oh so hard to stop. We eat, we feel guilty, we eat, we feel ashamed, we eat, we cry, we eat, we want to die. Being caught in that horrible vicious circle creates an emotional turmoil like hardly anything else.

Yet it’s not always easy – who am I kidding, it’s freaking hard – to avoid falling into this circle of shame and losing yourself in the mind numbing movement of “fork to mouth”.

And while it feels somewhat great in the moment, it feels really, really shitty afterwards. Suddenly all that’s important is to get rid of the calories or beating yourself up over them. All that matters is your body, your weight, your fucking “weak mind”. The world suddenly gets oh so small and you’re secluded from everything but your own delirious universe.

But the world is so much more colorful than a few chocolate chip cookies and the guilt ridden aftermath can do it justice. The world is a playground and even you feel bored or overwhelmed with emotions, you have a myriad of games and coping tools at your fingertips. All you have to do is reach out and pick one!

Here are just a few examples of what you can do instead of mindlessly putting food in your mouth.

1. Play with your cat

2. Write down promises to yourself and your body

3. Meditate

4. Create a Pinterest body-love inspiration board

5. Paint

6. Do a jigsaw puzzle

7. Watch a movie

8. Go to bed early

9. Write a song about yourself

10. Visualize your dream life

11. Watch a few TEDx talks

12. Take a spinning class

13. Dance!

14. Decide to do nothing and just chill out

15. Spend time with a baby and lose yourself in his/her laughter and giggles

16. Give yourself a mani/pedi

17. Go on a photo walk

18. Go on a mindfulness walk

19. Stretch

20. Make jewelry

21. Create a collage

22. Define your values in life, love and work

23. Work

24. Do a Sudoku puzzle

25. Garden

26. Close your eyes and really feel your body

27. Write a letter to yourself – be kind!

28. Watch a couple of editions of Love Yourself Friday

29. Do an at-home spa day

30. Spend time with an 8-year old and dive into his/her magically unlimited world

31. Plan a short trip

32. Organize and declutter your closet

33. Scrapbook

34. Write a handwritten letter to a friend

35. Watch National Geographics and absorb the awe-inspiring planet we live in

36. Join a meetup group

37. Pick up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to learn

38. Smell essential oils

39. Do something that makes you laugh uncontrollably

40. Create your own self-care toolkit

41. Drybrush your skin

42. Play on a playground

43. Pick yourself a flower bouquet

44. Call up a friend

45. Journal about some body-love prompts

46. Do  random acts of kindness

47. Clean your home

48. Create your own goddess ritual

49. Give yourself a foot massage

50. And when you really, really, really want to fall into a chocolate coma, then just EAT. 😉

Ready to change your relationship with your body and yourself?


Join the Body-Love Wellness Circles – starting April 21!

  • work on your relationship with your body
  • dig deep into the reasons you’re holding on to body-hatred
  • clear the path for a life of true freedom
  • let go of the beliefs you’re holding on to about yourself, your body and food
  • create a life that is true to what you actually want
  • learn to live without dieting
  • experience your body again
  • learn stop your dependance on sugar and food
  • find ease in your body and comfort in your skin
  • learn to stop thinking about food all the time
  • and SO much more!

To learn more and to join us, click here.


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